Will the Grapefruit Diet Work For You?

Even though the grapefruit diet, otherwise known as the Hollywood diet and the Mayo Clinic diet, has been around since the 1930s it still attracts very different views and very different opinions. The diet works by using the fat burning enzymes said to be present in everyday grapefruits to reduce weight in a controlled environment.

While a study in 2004 confirmed that participants in the grapefruit diet program did lose extra weight over a 12 week period simply by eating half a grapefruit, or drinking grapefruit juice, with their meals there is some debate about the overall benefits. While the basic diet advises participants to reduce their calorie intake to around 800 per day there are many scientists and dieticians who believe this is way too low and is potentially dangerous. There are some people who use the idea behind the grapefruit diet to fast for two days (only eating grapefruit) and then eat normal for two days and then fast, etc for a set period.

The diet has reappeared over the years with many different names with many different permutations but ultimately it is the proven fat eating enzymes present within the grapefruit which are central to its attractions and its weight loss power. However it is worth remembering that, as with any diet, you do need to have a specific calorie intake (which differs between men and women) in order for your body to operate at optimal speed and optimal efficiency. Adding elements such as the grapefruit diet to your regular meals, reducing intake of potentially harmful and fatty foods and also increasing your exercise regime is far safer and potentially far more beneficial in the long term.

While many of the so-called fads and fashionable diets are ridiculed in the press many of them, such as the Grapefruit Diet, do have real elements that work and do assist with weight loss.

While there are many extreme diets on the market the most useful diet plans seem to reduce your intake of fatty foods and increase your daily exercise. It is not rocket science and the likes of Tesco Diets are now major players in this particular sector.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan

Fast weight loss diet plan is what many look for to lose weight immediately.However, we all know that there is no shortcut to lasting success; similarly a progressive weight loss program will involve disciplined eating habits, regular exercise and a commitment to lose weight and look good. The fast weight loss diet plan is often a short-cut and the results are usually short-lived, as there is a chance of putting on weight. Many people go for crash diet or starvation diet that only leads to serious health hazards.

You can best achieve weight loss in the long term and not just by aiming to get it done within a week or so. If you follow the correct guidelines, you can have a speedy weight loss.Some people think that following guidelines is very difficult; hence, they give up their dreams to lose weight. You must remember the following things you need to avoid: Junk food such as doughnuts and pizzas contain high amount of calories and fats that are not at all good for people who are keen about weight loss. Many of us have a habit of eating snacks and junk foods during meals, this is an unhealthy way of eating and one of the main reasons to be overweight. Even when you eat meals, do not take big portions but go for 6 small meal portions in a day. Make sure that you eat lots of fruits, vegetables that are rich in fiber and protein.

Without exercising nobody can accomplish proper weight loss. Exercise involves cardio vascular exercises and weight lifting exercises. Cardio vascular exercises such as jogging, running, and brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc will increase the metabolism and thereby bring about burning of fats and calories. Throughout the day our muscles burn calories. So, if we do weight lifting exercises to build our muscle, more calories are burnt at a faster rate. You can do these exercises at a gym that has good state of the art fitness equipments. In eagerness or frustration to lose weight quickly, many people also resort to diet pills, weight loss pills and adrenal fatigue supplements, etc.

However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking weight loss pills or vitamin supplements. It can so happen that when you stop eating the diet pills, you can again start to put on weight. This means over a period of time you will be habituated to eating these tablets and supplements. Though some diet programs like south beach diet, zone diet and mayo clinic diet plans are good, you should avoid starvation oriented diets like cabbage soup diet and lemonade diet.

Such kinds of dietary programs and media-exaggerated 'crash' diet programs on how to lose weight fast can really send you crashing! Water is one of the things that influence the metabolic activity of the body. The more water you consume, the faster is the metabolism. Hence, you can burn fats and calories by simply increasing the amount of water you drink. It is advisable to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. You should not drink water for nearly 2 hours after having meals. Do not miss the chance of drinking water in the morning on empty stomach. It is widely known that smoking and alcohol drinking are unhealthy habits. Without quitting them, you will not be able to lose weight effectively.

There is no pain without gain. Even though the above mentioned guidelines may appear to be a slow process, if you follow it religiously it can be 'the fast weight loss diet' plan.

We know short term methods to achieve weight loss is untrustworthy. Visit http://www.loose-weight-products.com, a trustworthy website to get valuable information on losing weight.

Best Diets For High Cholesterol That Will Lower Your Cholesterol

Are you battling what diets to consider for high cholesterol? There are many diets that can help you lower your cholesterol level along with a regular exercise regimen. Before engaging an exercise routine consult with your physician. Make sure your routine will be of benefit to your health and not hazardous.

There are many fats that contribute to your high cholesterol. Avoiding these fats at all costs will help lower your cholesterol and risk for heart diseases. Here are some foods you want to try to avoid or at least limit your servings:

* Saturated fat and oils - coconut oil, safflower oil, palm oil, lard, butter
* Trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils - cookies, chips, crackers, shortenings
* Fatty meats - ribs, steak, ground meat, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, pastrami
* Milk products containing more than one percent milk fat - cream, some cheeses
* Fast food - anything fried - opt for baked or broiled foods instead of fried.

Nickolas at cholesterolfactsonline.com

These are only 'some' of the foods you want to avoid or limit. Along with these you want to watch your servings of breads, cakes, whole eggs, whole milk, whipped cream and others. In doing this you will learn new combinations to make substituting one food for another.

The best diets for lowering your high cholesterol are ones that work for you. There are a few ways to help watch the amount of fat you eat such as removing all fat from your meat before cooking it. You can also use egg whites in place of whole eggs and to do this you do not have to rid your fridge of your eggs. You can separate the yolk yourself or go ahead and buy just egg whites.

Eat plenty of fruits, grains, beans and vegetables for a great healthy diet. You might find that reading the labels of an item will turn you against it. For instance, grab one of your favorite foods and read the ingredient label. Do you know what everything is? If not, look them up and find out just what it is in the food you absolutely love. Do you still love it after you know what is in it?

The best diet for high cholesterol is a regular exercise regimen along with eating plenty of fruits, whole grains and vegetables. If high cholesterol runs in your family you may have to use medication to help keep it controlled. Taking medication does not mean you do not have to watch what you eat or exercise. The medication will work better with your diet and exercise routine.

Here are a few diets that you could also try to lower your cholesterol:

* Mayo Clinic Diet - This diet is specially designed to lower cholesterol - You will eat plenty of fruit and veggies along with healthy servings from all the many food groups.

* Mediterranean Diet - This diet will let you eat plenty of fruits, veggies and grains. You can also eat a small amount of red meat along with some fish and poultry and even dairy products. A bonus to this diet is you get a glass of wine with every meal.

* Low Fat Diet - This is exactly what it says - low fat. Lowering the amount of fat you intake will help you decrease your cholesterol levels. You will eat foods that are low in fat and only sparingly can you eat high fat foods.

* Vegetarian Diet - With this diet you eat only fruits, veggies and grains. No mean of any kind can be eaten. You can enjoy soy products, seeds and nuts on this diet as well.

Every person is different and one diet may work better for you than it does for someone else. Try what you think will be the easiest and combine with your regular exercise regimen. These diets will help your high cholesterol and make you feel better and healthier in the process.

Nickolas at cholesterolfactsonline.com

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Vs. The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

With the growing popularity of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, I get asked quite often how it compares to other weight loss plans, such as the cabbage soup diet plan. Let's take a look.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

This weight loss program uses a unique menu generator in addition to their idiot proof diet handbook to produce an 11 day menu plan.

The plan allows you to input 14 of your favorite foods and the menu generator gives you 4 meals a day for 11 days. Afterwards, you then have 3 "cheating" days in which you can eat any foods you wish, in moderation of course.

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots work? I have found it to be a very effective weight loss system and you can read about my results on my blog at the end of this article.

The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan, or Mayo Clinic diet as it is also known, is a 7 day diet that is based on eating cabbage soup.

The plan calls for eating any amounts of cabbage soup you would like throughout the day. Why? Because there aren't many calories in a bowel of cabbage soup.

The diet plan also calls for eating other foods, but they are very specific in nature. For example, on one day you can eat cabbage soup along with all the fresh fruit you would like. On another day it may be soup and all the rice you want, but no fruit.

The Cabbage Soup diet plan is a little strange to say the least and would not be a weight loss plan that would appeal to most people.

Will it work? Absolutely. If your daily intake is limited to cabbage soup and some fruit, rice, etc, you will lose weight. And that's the appeal here. It's a quick weight loss plan for the short term.

The Verdict

Personally, I couldn't recommend the Cabbage Soup Diet Plan as a healthy, long term weight loss program. Although I do enjoy a bowel of cabbage soup every once in a while a steady diet of it throughout the day just wouldn't work for me.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Best Diets For High Cholesterol That Will Lower Your Cholesterol

Are you battling what diets to consider for high cholesterol? There are many diets that can help you lower your cholesterol level along with a regular exercise regimen. Before engaging an exercise routine consult with your physician. Make sure your routine will be of benefit to your health and not hazardous.

There are many fats that contribute to your high cholesterol. Avoiding these fats at all costs will help lower your cholesterol and risk for heart diseases. Here are some foods you want to try to avoid or at least limit your servings:

* Saturated fat and oils - coconut oil, safflower oil, palm oil, lard, butter
* Trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils - cookies, chips, crackers, shortenings
* Fatty meats - ribs, steak, ground meat, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, pastrami
* Milk products containing more than one percent milk fat - cream, some cheeses
* Fast food - anything fried - opt for baked or broiled foods instead of fried.

Nickolas at cholesterolfactsonline.com

These are only 'some' of the foods you want to avoid or limit. Along with these you want to watch your servings of breads, cakes, whole eggs, whole milk, whipped cream and others. In doing this you will learn new combinations to make substituting one food for another.

The best diets for lowering your high cholesterol are ones that work for you. There are a few ways to help watch the amount of fat you eat such as removing all fat from your meat before cooking it. You can also use egg whites in place of whole eggs and to do this you do not have to rid your fridge of your eggs. You can separate the yolk yourself or go ahead and buy just egg whites.

Eat plenty of fruits, grains, beans and vegetables for a great healthy diet. You might find that reading the labels of an item will turn you against it. For instance, grab one of your favorite foods and read the ingredient label. Do you know what everything is? If not, look them up and find out just what it is in the food you absolutely love. Do you still love it after you know what is in it?

The best diet for high cholesterol is a regular exercise regimen along with eating plenty of fruits, whole grains and vegetables. If high cholesterol runs in your family you may have to use medication to help keep it controlled. Taking medication does not mean you do not have to watch what you eat or exercise. The medication will work better with your diet and exercise routine.

Here are a few diets that you could also try to lower your cholesterol:

* Mayo Clinic Diet - This diet is specially designed to lower cholesterol - You will eat plenty of fruit and veggies along with healthy servings from all the many food groups.

* Mediterranean Diet - This diet will let you eat plenty of fruits, veggies and grains. You can also eat a small amount of red meat along with some fish and poultry and even dairy products. A bonus to this diet is you get a glass of wine with every meal.

* Low Fat Diet - This is exactly what it says - low fat. Lowering the amount of fat you intake will help you decrease your cholesterol levels. You will eat foods that are low in fat and only sparingly can you eat high fat foods.

* Vegetarian Diet - With this diet you eat only fruits, veggies and grains. No mean of any kind can be eaten. You can enjoy soy products, seeds and nuts on this diet as well.

Every person is different and one diet may work better for you than it does for someone else. Try what you think will be the easiest and combine with your regular exercise regimen. These diets will help your high cholesterol and make you feel better and healthier in the process.

Nickolas at cholesterolfactsonline.com

The Influenza Diet

You've heard of "The South Beach Diet" and "The Mayo Clinic Diet" but have you ever heard of "The Influenza Diet?" If not, you are missing out on a "real treat" and a terrific opportunity to help you lose and keep off those excess holiday pounds. By the way, it isn't a diet that you can readily plan on starting, but it is one that forces itself upon you quietly and suddenly.
'Tis the season to put on weight! Yes, there is something about the month of December that convinces people that what they eat during that month will soon be forgotten by January. You've heard the joke: December calories do not get counted! Okay then, when your scale shows your weight has shot up by 13 lbs., who [or what] are you going to say counted the excessive baggage now resting around your gut? Hmmm?
Here a diet, there a diet So, which diet are you going to try? One that omits carbs? Another that restricts sweets? A third one that requires you to sip, not eat your daily nutritional intake? Sounds like fun for someone…maybe the author of the book [or her publisher], the diet club, or the gym pushing the diet.
Did you get your flu shot yet? If you got a flu shot this year, likely you won't get the flu. Unfortunately, that doesn't protect you from the dozens of flu-like illnesses roaming our planet at any given time. Now for a real treat: if you contract an illness that attacks your intestine, plan on being laid up for several days. Also plan on losing a bunch of pounds as even the thought of food will make you sick! Yes, like it or not you are on "The Influenza Diet" or one of its many cousins. Ride the diet for what it is worth…drink plenty of water, munch on a few saltine crackers, because other than that you won't be able to "stomach" anything else at least for several days.
When your appetite returns, gradually resume eating and return to your pre-holiday good eating habits. If the urge to splurge comes upon you, think back to those days when your very bones ached, your stomach churned, and the "porcelain throne" was your frequent companion. If that doesn't set off a quiver in your liver, than nothing else will. Enjoy the lost pounds and your successful completion of The Influenza Diet.
Copyright 2006 -- Matthew Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including: advocacy, automobiles, aviation, business, Christian themes, family, news, product reviews, travel, writing, and more. Please visit Matt's blog for absolutely stunning and humorous writings from the master himself!

The Influenza Diet

Youย've heard of ย"The South Beach Dietย" and ย"The Mayo Clinic Dietย" but have you ever heard of ย"The Influenza Diet?ย" If not, you are missing out on a ย"real treatย" and a terrific opportunity to help you lose and keep off those excess holiday pounds. By the way, it isnย't a diet that you can readily plan on starting, but it is one that forces itself upon you quietly and suddenly.

ย'Tis the season to put on weight! Yes, there is something about the month of December that convinces people that what they eat during that month will soon be forgotten by January. Youย've heard the joke: December calories do not get counted! Okay then, when your scale shows your weight has shot up by 13 lbs., who [or what] are you going to say counted the excessive baggage now resting around your gut? Hmmm?

Here a diet, there a diet So, which diet are you going to try? One that omits carbs? Another that restricts sweets? A third one that requires you to sip, not eat your daily nutritional intake? Sounds like fun for someoneย…maybe the author of the book [or her publisher], the diet club, or the gym pushing the diet.

Did you get your flu shot yet? If you got a flu shot this year, likely you wonย't get the flu. Unfortunately, that doesnย't protect you from the dozens of flu-like illnesses roaming our planet at any given time. Now for a real treat: if you contract an illness that attacks your intestine, plan on being laid up for several days. Also plan on losing a bunch of pounds as even the thought of food will make you sick! Yes, like it or not you are on ย"The Influenza Dietย" or one of its many cousins. Ride the diet for what it is worthย…drink plenty of water, munch on a few saltine crackers, because other than that you wonย't be able to ย"stomachย" anything else at least for several days.

When your appetite returns, gradually resume eating and return to your pre-holiday good eating habits. If the urge to splurge comes upon you, think back to those days when your very bones ached, your stomach churned, and the ย"porcelain throneย" was your frequent companion. If that doesnย't set off a quiver in your liver, than nothing else will. Enjoy the lost pounds and your successful completion of The Influenza Diet.

Have You Tried the Famous Cabbage Soup Diet?

The weight loss program called Cabbage Soup Diet is designed for heavy consumption of low-calorie soups during the entire 7 days. Although seen by a lot of people as “fad diet,” this plan have been tried by a number of famous people like models, celebrities and flight attendants. In fact, there have been numerous testimonials for this diet program.

One of those people who tried this program is Melissa Browne from Fox News.com, Health Section. She says that she lost 5 pounds when she went through the diet for one week.


No one truly knows where Cabbage Soup Diet originated. Some historians say that this diet plan is a good example of an urban legend – like a modern folklore that is passed through e-mail, photocopies, or word of mouth.

According to American Dietetic Association, this diet plan was first identified around 1950 (though it may date back earlier). After that, it was revived during early 1980s as “Dolly Parton Diet” and “TWA (Trans World Airlines) Diet.”

In the middle of 1990s, Cabbage Soup Diet reappeared. Due to modern technology like fax machines and the internet, this diet has spread worldwide. In fact, it was even published in magazines like GQ (GentlemenÂ’s Quarterly) and Cosmopolitan in 1995.

Some health associations were attributed to this diet – they supposedly gave it to overweight patients to help them lose a few pounds quickly before a heart surgery. This is why Cabbage Soup Diet is also referred to as Miami Heart Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet, American Heart Diet, Spokane Diet, and Sacred Heart Diet.


Generally, cabbage soup is safe for adults who are in good health. However, if you have eating disorders, Type II diabetes, or other conditions, it would be best for you to consult a registered dietitian or doctor before you go through with it.

Also, due to the repetitive and restrictive nature of the diet, you cannot sustain it for a long period of time. This is why it has to be stopped on the 7th day.

Some side effects may appear such as light-headedness, dizziness, and flatulence (or intestinal gas). Since the common version of the cabbage soup recipe is usually high in salt, those dieters that are trying to restrict their intake of sodium should discuss a little flexibility with their physician.


Although there is no mainstream clinical trial of the soup, the cabbage itself was studied by food chemists and nutritionists for many years. In fact, it has been considered as good food to be included in any well-balanced and healthful diet.

After finishing the 7-day diet, Browne said that she learned quite a few things regarding her eating habits. Even though she may regard herself as a healthy eater, it has not occurred to her that she is not eating enough vegetables and fruits.

The diet helped her to be creative in putting together various combinations of healthy food cooked in different ways. She admitted that when you are stuck with eating veggies for several days, you could think of ways to enjoy it. It also made her conscious of drinking more water, which has not been part of her habit before this diet.

The author is an online medical searcher and webmaster of: 1. Cabbage Soup Diet Visit site for more useful articles: 1. "Guidelines for a Success Cabbage Soup Diet" and 2. "Is Cabbage Soup Diet

Diet Comparison

Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

Is a low carb diet the best way to lose weight? Well that's what
you'll hear from one diet guru, and he has the testimonials to
back it up.

How about low fat, lots of carbs, and fresh fruits and veggies?
Of course, another weight loss expert will say so - and he's got
the back up from satisfied users, too.

A third weight loss expert will swear that you need to count the
amount of sugar; another weight loss expert will tell you that
the enemy is white flour. The question then becomes, "if you
want to lose weight and keep it off, who do you listen to?".

Below are a few summaries to give you a quick overview of the
pros and cons of some of the most popular types of weight loss

Low Carb-Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet and the Zone
Diet all recommend restricting carbohydrates and allowing
liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from
animal sources. Generally, they limit the overall amount of
carbohydrates, or teach you to differentiate between "good" and
"bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden,
include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.

Pros: The low carb diets all encourage learning healthy eating
as part of the overall weight loss plan. Deriving most of your
daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green
vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for
nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity
of these weight loss diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Cons: The allowance of eating all the protein and fats you like
flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom. A diet high in
saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and
other chronic health conditions. Most of these low carb diet
plans caution and advice to keep portions reasonable. Following
the guidelines of these low carb diets should mitigate that

Weight Loss Programs

Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast and a number
of other weight loss programs rely heavily on pre-packaged
'diet' foods. They incorporate professional coaching, social
structure and reinforcement.

Pros: The professional coaching and nutritional benefits are a
big plus, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the
diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right
proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as
directed you will lose weight.

Cons: The weekly fees and cost of meals can be expensive. In
addition, if you rely completely on the packaged foods, you miss
out on the re-education of your eating habits, which is
important to maintaining any weight loss.

The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

The true Mayo Clinic diet recommends a healthy eating weight
loss plan based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates,
counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from
vegetables, grains and fruit.

Pros: There's no 'diet'. Instead, you're encouraged to take
control of your eating. Portion control and sensible balance of
nutrients are the cornerstones of a weight loss plan that takes
weight off gradually, and helps you keep it off permanently.

Cons: It may be difficult to stay on this diet. Counting
calories and portions can be difficult if you're eating out or
on the run.

While there are many weight loss plans that promise to help you
lose weight fast, unfortunately, many of these weight loss plans
are either not healthy diets, or don't have long-lasting
results. However, the three major weight loss diets above all
result in 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week, which most doctors
believe is the optimum way to lose weight and keep it off.

Diet Lose Weight

Another diet program that is making the rounds in the American dieting circles is the cabbage soup diet. Success stories: click here If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, you may have come across the Cabbage Soup Diet. This easy to follow diet is a radical weight loss diet which claims that the more low-calorie cabbage soup you take over a period of 7 days, the more weight you will lose. In fact, this diet claims that you will see drastic weight loss of about 10 pounds within 7 days. The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan, or Mayo Clinic diet as it is also known, is a 7 day diet that is based on eating cabbage soup. The plan calls for eating any amounts of cabbage soup you would like throughout the day. Why? Because there are not many calories in a bowl of cabbage soup. Things to Avoid 1. All meals should be broiled, baked or boiled. No fried meals for the duration of the diet. 2. Avoid alcohol, bread and other carbonated drinks that hasten weight gain. Things to be kept in mind The Cabbage Soup Diet is full nutritious vegetables and fruit, and is extremely low in fat, but to stress again: This diet is for one week only. The cabbage soup diet is too low in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals to continue for a long period of time. You need to resume normal eating patterns for at least two weeks before trying it again. 1. Follow the diet EXACTLY - if you don't, then it wont work 2. Drink at least 4 - 6 glasses of water per day 3. Keep motivated! - Keep in mind that it's only for seven days 4. Complement the diet with a multivitamin and mineral tablet 5. Eat plenty of soup - as much as you want! If you hate the soup use over the counter pills Lose 9 lbs every 11 days click here The cabbage soup diet is one of the most effective ways to kick start a weight loss program. It provides quick results and although not easy, dieters know they only need to do it for seven days and can have a break before resuming if necessary. Finally, it provides plenty of motivation to keep losing weight, once quick weight loss has been achieved. Conclusion Will it work? Absolutely. If your daily intake is limited to cabbage soup and some fruit, rice, etc, you will lose weight. And thats the appeal here. It's a quick weight loss plan for the short term. Of course, it is always advisable for you to consult your doctor before following this diet. Personally I believe that this diet can be counter productive. Since the diet would force your body to go into slower metabolism, it would then encourage your body to hold on to your fat reserves. In the end, you may be only delaying your weight loss plan. Because of this, dieters often use the cabbage soup diet if they need to lose weight fast. In fact, most people use the program to get into shape before they enroll in a long term diet program. Some get into the cabbage soup diet program when they need to lose extra pounds for a special occasion. Success stories: click here

Download: click here

The Grapefruit Diet - Most Common Mistakes People Make

The grapefruit diet is a popular weight loss plan that has been around since the 1930s. It became popular as the "Mayo Clinic Diet" in the 1970s and then again in the 1980s as the "10 Day, 10 Pounds Off Diet". In order to follow the diet, the person must reduce their amount of vegetables and fruit, and increasing the amount of meat and grapefruit. The combination of high cholesterol food and grapefruit is said to burn fat in the body. In this article, I will outline the most common mistakes people make when they start a grapefruit diet.

Mistake 1: Not following the diet plan

There are many different iterations of the grapefruit diet. What many people do when they start this type of diet is begin with enthusiasm but by the end of the required 12 days they are only following part of it. In order for this diet to work, you must follow the routine and menus to a T. Otherwise, you cannot blame the diet if it doesn't work.

Mistake 2: Doing exercise

This diet severely limits how many calories that you consume. The idea is that you lose weight without doing exercise. Due to the lack of calories, you may feel fatigued and light-headed. Therefore, following this diet and doing exercise can make you feel worst for wear. It is best to rest as much as possible when doing the grapefruit diet and start exercising again when the 12 days is over.

Mistake 3: Not having any support

With any diet, it is much easy to follow it if you have the support of the people around you. It is a good idea to have a chat with your friends and family before you being and tell them how they can help you follow the diet. There are also resources online that can link you up to people who are following the same diet as you. This can help you if you are having any problems or you need some advice.

The author writes on hundreds of different topics. A more recent website of her is one about diamond cluster earrings and it has a guide to buying yellow diamond earrings at a discount online.

The Low-Down On Diet Comparison

Low carbs and high protein is the way to lose weight, or so you'll hear from one diet guru, and he has the testimonials to back it up. Low fat, lots of carbs and fresh fruits and veggies, says another - and he's got the back up from satisfied users, too. A third swears that you need to count the amount of sugar; another tells you the enemy is white flour - if you want to lose real weight and keep it off, who do you listen to?

Take a look at the brief summaries below for a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

Low Carb-Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins, the South Beach and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted carbohydrates and allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, they limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, or teach you to differentiate between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.

Pros: The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Cons: The allowance of eating all the protein and fats you like flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom. A diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. Following the diets' cautions and advice to keep portions reasonable should mitigate that concern, though.

Weight Loss "Programs"

Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast and a number of other weight loss programs rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. They incorporate professional coaching, social structure and reinforcement.

Pros: The professional coaching and nutritional benefits are a big plus, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you will lose weight.

Cons: The weekly fees and cost of meals can be expensive. In addition, if you rely completely on the packaged foods, you miss out on the re-education of your eating habits, which is important to maintaining any weight lost.

The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This is not the diet that has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet center recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Pros: There's no 'diet'. Instead, you're encouraged to take control of your eating. Portion control and sensible balance of nutrients are the cornerstones of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, and helps you keep it off permanently.

Cons: It may be difficult to stay on the diet. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you're eating out or on the run.

There are many diets that promise to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. The three major variations of diets above all will result in 1-2 pounds of loss per week, which most doctors believe is the optimum way to lose weight for long lasting results.

How to Do a Grapefruit Diet

The grapefruit diet started in Hollywood during the 1930s but only became popular during the 1970s when it was re-badged as the "Mayo Clinic Diet". However, the diet has no connection to the clinic. In the 1980s, it was called the "10 day, 10 pounds off diet". The aim of the diet is to reduce the number of fruits and vegetables that a person eats while increasing the intake of grapefruit and meat. In this article, I will go through the steps to successfully completing the grapefruit diet.

Step 1: Decide on which diet to follow

There are a wide range of different versions of the grapefruit diet. All of them work on the same principles but not all of them will suit your situation. You should stick to whatever diet you choose and not waver to another one as you go along.

Step 2: Have a shower or bath at least twice a day

By having a warm shower and scrubbing your skin with a sponge or loofah, you will increase the blood circulation throughout your body and help it remove toxins from your body. It will also help you feel better as you adjust to the diet.

Step 3: Light exercise only

The grapefruit diet severely restricts the number of calories you will be eating. That means you may experience a loss of energy and you need to be careful about how much exercise you do. You should do only light exercise like walking, yoga or Pilates. Otherwise, you may end up feeling worse for wear.

Step 4: Keep off the weight

People claim that you can lose up to 10 pounds in 12 days on this diet. However, once you've lost the weight you need to keep it off. That means reverting back to a healthy diet after the 12 days. There is nothing worse than losing all that weight and then putting it back on a month later.

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Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick Diet Comparison

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to?
The brief summaries below give a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.
1. Weight Loss Programmes
There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate professional coaching into the programme; plus, they also offer some sort of social structure and support to reinforce the diet programme.
Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes
The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet programmes are a big positive factor, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.
Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes
You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of programme, plus the cost of the meals can be expensive. Furthermore, if you rely totally on the packaged foods, you will miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go. That could be important to maintaining any weight loss in the long term.
2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets
Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, these diets limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tell the difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar. The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.
Advantages Of Low Carb Diets
These low carbohydrate diets do encourage you to learn healthy eating as part of losing weight. That will have long term benefits for you. A diet in which you derive most of your daily calories from high fibre sources of carbohydrates, such as leafy green vegetables and grains, is often recommended by the established medical community for good nutrition. Because these diets are popular, it is easy to find low-carb foods.
Disadvantages Of Low Carb Diets
The allowance for eating all the protein and fats you like does go against conventional medical wisdom. it is thought that a diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. These diets are accompanied by cautions and advice, which suggest you keep portions reasonable. Follow that advice and that concern may be allayed somewhat; but if in doubt, consult your doctor.
3. The Real Mayo Clinic Diet
This diet is not the one which has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet centre recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan that is based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.
Advantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet
Really, there is no 'diet' as such, in the sense we often use the word when we are talking about losing weight. Instead, you are encouraged to take control of your own eating. By doing so, you aim to achieve portion control, and a sensible balance of nutrients. These are the pillars of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, but then helps you keep your weight down permanently.
Disadvantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet
This may be a difficult diet to maintain. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you are eating out or on the run living an active and busy life, and often away from home.
There are many diets claiming to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. Most doctors believe the optimum way to lose weight, for long lasting results, is to lose 1-2 pounds of loss per week. The variations of the three major diets above are all capable of helping you do just that.
This diet comparison article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick DietComparison

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm
confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one
expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the
way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low
fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right
way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to
count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your
being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about
losing weight, who should you listen to?

The brief summaries below give a quick overview of the pros and
cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

1. Weight Loss Programmes

There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for
example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a
number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on
pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate
professional coaching into the programme; plus, they also offer
some sort of social structure and support to reinforce the diet

Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes

The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet
programmes are a big positive factor, as are the reinforcement
and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are
prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the
diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes

You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of
programme, plus the cost of the meals can be expensive.
Furthermore, if you rely totally on the packaged foods, you will
miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go.
That could be important to maintaining any weight loss in the
long term.

2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Zone
Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow
liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from
animal sources. Generally, these diets limit the overall amount
of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tell the difference
between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which
are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white
sugar. The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part
of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high
fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is
generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the
established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes
it easy to find low-carb foods.

Advantages Of Low Carb Diets

These low carbohydrate diets do encourage you to learn healthy
eating as part of losing weight. That will have long term
benefits for you. A diet in which you derive most of your daily
calories from high fibre sources of carbohydrates, such as leafy
green vegetables and grains, is often recommended by the
established medical community for good nutrition. Because these
diets are popular, it is easy to find low-carb foods.

Disadvantages Of Low Carb Diets

The allowance for eating all the protein and fats you like does
go against conventional medical wisdom. it is thought that a
diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease,
diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. These diets
are accompanied by cautions and advice, which suggest you keep
portions reasonable. Follow that advice and that concern may be
allayed somewhat; but if in doubt, consult your doctor.

3. The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This diet is not the one which has circulated for the past
thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the
Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet centre
recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan that is based on
limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and
deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and

Advantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

Really, there is no 'diet' as such, in the sense we often use
the word when we are talking about losing weight. Instead, you
are encouraged to take control of your own eating. By doing so,
you aim to achieve portion control, and a sensible balance of
nutrients. These are the pillars of a weight loss plan that
takes weight off gradually, but then helps you keep your weight
down permanently.

Disadvantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This may be a difficult diet to maintain. Counting calories and
portions can be difficult if you are eating out or on the run
living an active and busy life, and often away from home.

There are many diets claiming to take weight off quickly and
painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits.
Most doctors believe the optimum way to lose weight, for long
lasting results, is to lose 1-2 pounds per week. The variations
of the three major diets above are all capable of helping you do
just that.

Diet and Fitness Weight Loss Program - The Best Way to Lose Weight

Diet and fitness weight loss program are very necessary in order to lose weight.A weight loss program must include a good diet and an exercise fitness regime. It is very important to choose a good diet plan.There are so many well-known weight loss programs to choose from such as Atkins diet, South beach diet, Mayo clinic diet, Mediterranean diet, etc. If you follow the diet plan of these weight loss programs, you may observe exceptional results in two or three weeks. They are no complex science diets and can be used by anyone who is keen on losing weight. The idea to choose the best diet for you is to select a diet that will help you lose weight without cutting down much on what you eat. The diet plan must have sufficient food items such as protein and fiber rich foods that will not keep you hungry, and burn fats and calories as fast as possible.

There are some famous diet plans such as cabbage soup diet and lemonade diet which are a 7 or 10 day diet. The other terms which people use to describe these diets are starvation diets because they literally starve you as you cut down on major eatables that are essential for the wear and tear of your body. These diets make you to survive on cabbage soup or lemonade and few other eatables only for 7 to 10 days, enough to leave you pale, starved and tired in your pursuit to fast weight loss

If you suffer from any illness, then there are a few specific diet plans which you must follow rather than the above mentioned diets. DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) is meant for people suffering from hypertension. Gluten free diets are for those who have celiac disease and the diabetic diet is meant for those having diabetes.

Some people like to involve diet drug such as phentermine diet pill in their diet plan. However, these diets pills may show good results in some people and it may fail to show noticeable results in some. It may also cause some harmful side effects as well. So, it advisable to talk to a doctor about diet pills and supplements before you consume them.

Apart from the diet plan, the next thing you must keep in mind is exercising. Every diet plan will work better for you if you exercise. Workouts help you in burning more fats and calories than your diet plan. You must exercise till you sweat heavily because when you do this, you are excreting the toxic substances out of your body. Keep in mind that you do not over-do exercising. You should be able to talk properly after a session of work-out and not gasp for breath. If an exercise that you are performing for a particular part of your body is straining you, then you must stop it. Easy exercises such as brisk walking, running, jogging, swimming, dancing and cycling can help you lose weight effectively. Some of these exercises can be performed at the comfort of your home. You can also do weight lifting exercises for better results. You can also buy fitness exercise equipments such as an elliptical trainer, a treadmill, stair steppers, etc and perform exercises at home. Alternatively, you can also hit a gym. If you do not know how to exercise, you can simply hire an exercise trainer and he/she will guide in losing weight.

Diet and fitness weight loss program can be very helpful in losing weight. Make sure you eat the right kind of food and avoid all kinds of junkies and never skip a meal and exercise consistently.

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Are You Confused By All The Different Diets? Here's A Quick Diet Comparison

It would not be surprising to hear your answer is "yes, I'm confused by all these so called diets." You may read from one expert that low carbohydrate (low carb) and high protein is the way to lose weight. Another will try to convince you that low fat, lots of carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the right way to go. Yet another will try to convince you that you need to count the amount of sugar; or another that main culprit for your being overweight is white flour. So, if you are serious about losing weight, who should you listen to?

The brief summaries below give a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.

1. Weight Loss Programmes

There are quite a few well known weight loss programmes, for example SlimFast, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem. These and a number of other weight loss programmes rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. However, they incorporate professional coaching into the programme; plus, they also offer some sort of social structure and support to reinforce the diet programme.

Advantages of Weight Loss Programmes

The professional coaching and nutritional benefits of such diet programmes are a big positive factor, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you should lose weight.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss Programmes

You will normally have to pay weekly charges for this type of programme, plus the cost of the meals can be expensive. Furthermore, if you rely totally on the packaged foods, you will miss out on your re-education as far as your eating habits go. That could be important to maintaining any weight loss in the long term.

2. Low Carb & Hi Protein Diets

Diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted intake of carbohydrates, but allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, these diets limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, and/or teach you to tell the difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar. The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Advantages Of Low Carb Diets

These low carbohydrate diets do encourage you to learn healthy eating as part of losing weight. That will have long term benefits for you. A diet in which you derive most of your daily calories from high fibre sources of carbohydrates, such as leafy green vegetables and grains, is often recommended by the established medical community for good nutrition. Because these diets are popular, it is easy to find low-carb foods.

Disadvantages Of Low Carb Diets

The allowance for eating all the protein and fats you like does go against conventional medical wisdom. it is thought that a diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. These diets are accompanied by cautions and advice, which suggest you keep portions reasonable. Follow that advice and that concern may be allayed somewhat; but if in doubt, consult your doctor.

3. The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This diet is not the one which has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet centre recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan that is based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Advantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

Really, there is no 'diet' as such, in the sense we often use the word when we are talking about losing weight. Instead, you are encouraged to take control of your own eating. By doing so, you aim to achieve portion control, and a sensible balance of nutrients. These are the pillars of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, but then helps you keep your weight down permanently.

Disadvantages Of The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

This may be a difficult diet to maintain. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you are eating out or on the run living an active and busy life, and often away from home.

There are many diets claiming to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. Most doctors believe the optimum way to lose weight, for long lasting results, is to lose 1-2 pounds per week. The variations of the three major diets above are all capable of helping you do just that.

Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet - The Shocking News About This Popular Diet

Can I lose weight with the Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet?

Many people have been searching the internet for details about this very popular diet because it has a good reputation for success. But there is one problem here. These kind of diets hasn't been endorses, studied or even reviewed by the Mayo Clinic. The truth is, they don't approve of these diets at all. They say it's unhealthy and very dangerous to our health.

The Grapefruit Diet for Weight Loss

Some people calls it the May Clinic Diet, intentionally misleading people into thinking that it has a lot of value. In fact this diet only calls for eating half a grapefruit with every meal. The word mayo was suppose to mean mayonnaise, but human nature took it to another level to make it seem like the diet is more healthy and legitimate. A study was done by Dr Ken Fujioka, and he found evidence that grapefruit really does help you lose weight, but it isn't a lot of weight, but maybe a few pounds here and there. It really depends on many things, like the person's weight, eating habits, activity levels, etc. If you want to lose weight by eating grapefruits, you should consider making a few changes to your diet for maximum results.

Eat 4-5 times a day.

One step towards fat loss success is to eat at least 4-5 times a day along with a serving of grapefruit. This helps your body digest food easily and faster to avoid fat storage in your body. Eat a variety of foods, such as lean meat, vegetables, and fruit.

Warning: The most important tip of all

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How To Access The Real Mayo Clinic Weight Loss Diet

Rumors have been going around for years that the Mayo Clinic's get-thin-quick weight loss routine says it's okay to eat all the vegetables, fruits, meat and fat you want. The genuine Mayo Clinic has made statements repeatedly for years that they have nothing to do with the "Mayo Clinic Diet," and they do not in any way endorse it. The real Mayo Clinic have even issued statements saying that it may be unhealthy for many people.

The Mayo Clinic site is the place you should go to if you want the truth. On this site you will find information for the REAL clinic, with tips and guidelines for healthy eating and diet information.

The Basics

When you lose weight, you are using up more calories than you are taking in. You have to take in less calories than you use everyday in order to lose weight. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that suits your particular lifestyle, and being physically active everyday, is the only way to lose weight.

A diet has to be individualized to your particular lifestyle in order to be effective. There is no one-size-fits-all, standardized diet. In fact, your dietary needs will change over your lifetime. You need different things at different times, and you have to always pay attention to what is happening with your body and adjust your diet accordingly.

The Seven Rules of Dieting

1. Try to have more fruit in your diet than vegetables.
2. Avoid or decrease intake of cholesterol and saturated fats.
3. Watch your intake of salt and sweets.
4. If you drink, be moderate and don't drink too much.
5. Think about food portion size and make sure meals aren't too big.
6. Keep an eye on your calories.
7. Make sure to get some kind of physical exercise everyday.


These provide most of the energy for your body. Foods such as whole grains, legumes and many types of beans are called "complex carbohydrates." Foods containing these complex carbohydrates are common in the Mediterranean where the incidence of obesity, heart disease and diabetes is rare.

You should get 45-65% of your calories everyday from carbohydrates. If you want to keep those carbs balanced, get lots of fruit, milk and complex carbohydrates, and watch your intake of sugar and white flour.


Cholesterol actually has an important function in the body: to build and maintain cells. Cholesterol helps cells do their work. But, our bodies make pretty much all the cholesterol we need. This means that all the cholesterol from meat, eggs and dairy end up lining the sides of our arteries.

It's best to take in no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol every day.


Fat is also useful for the body. It contains energy concentrated, providing more than protein or carbs. Fat is used in the body to metabolize certain vitamins. It also contributes to healthy cells and neural pathways in the brain. But, some fats are more damaging than beneficial. Red meat, for example, contains trans and saturated fats, which have lots of cholesterol and can cause heart trouble.

Try to get only 20-35% of your calories from fat everyday, and try to get them from nuts, vegetable oil, fish oil and other non-animal sources.


The tough part of vegetables is fiber. There is both soluble and insoluble fiber, and you need both. We get fiber from wheat, green vegetables, fruits, bran and oats.

Women should get 21-25 grams of fiber everyday. For men, it's 30-38 grams.

The real Mayo Clinic recommends a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates, vegetables and moderate servings of meat. It recommends you watch what kind of fat you eat. It is stressful to lose weight suddenly and can cause health complications. The Mayo Clinic recommends losing weight over a longer period of time, so your body has time to adjust to the changes. Diet plans that sell quick weight loss plans should be avoided. Here are some guidelines according to the Mayo Clinic's Nutrition Center:


Protein is important for nearly every part of the body's system. It's in your muscles, bones, skin, organs, blood, enzymes and hormones. You get protein from a variety of sources like meat, poultry, legumes, seafood, nuts and seeds.

You should get 10-15% of your daily calories from sources rich in protein.

Finding A Personalized Diet

As we said earlier, the Mayo Clinic emphasizes that you must individualize your weight loss plan. Everyone is different, and your own personal diet should match you perfectly. On their website, they provide the Daily Calorie Calculator. You can use this to help you plan an appropriate weight loss plan.

For example, this is what a typical plan might look like:

Subject: Female, 225 lbs, 5' 6"
Recommendations (these are daily amounts):
Sweets and candy: no more than 75 calories
Fats: 3 servings
Protein/ Dairy: 3 servings
Carbohydrates: 4 servings
Fruits: at least 3 servings (more is okay)
Vegetables: at least 4 servings (more is okay)
Vegetables: 4 or more servings

On the site, you can also find sample menus that include number of calories and special ideas to help you lose weight. Here is an example of the type of tips you will see:

Eat more fruits and vegetables with your meals
Try out some new foods and combinations of your favorites
Eat a salad or soup before your meals
Look into some healthy cooking ideas
Think about how energy density of your meals

What Is Energy Density?

This is rate the Mayo Clinic uses to determine how much energy a given food will provide. It is a comparison of the number of calories in a food and food portion size. If, for example, you consider a sugary desert like chocolate cake, it is high in energy density, so a small amount of cake will give you lots of energy. However, it takes more cake than other, less energy dense foods, to make you feel food. Broccoli, on the other hand, has very low energy density, so you eat much less broccoli and feel full.

The ideas of the Mayo Clinic are actually nothing new, but they are based on sound dietary concepts. Their main ideas are eating a balanced diet and shedding pounds slowly and steady over time. Beware of cheaters who use the Clinic's good name to sell their get-thin-quick diet scams!

The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid: A Way To Live Your Life

Usually it happens in the spring. Mayo Clinic phone operators are deluged with calls about the so-called Mayo Clinic Diet. In fact there is no Mayo Clinic Diet, it's a myth that started in the 1940s, spread across the country, and around the world. Though there are different versions of the myth, all of them seem to take a "one-size-fits-all" approach.
As Mayo Clinic Registered Dietitian Jennifer Nelson writes in her article, "Mayo Clinic Diet: Does it Exist?", the different versions "push grapefruit or eggs or meat and promise to peel off pounds magically." Nelson says this promise of dramatic weight loss is a sure sign of hoax. Mayo Clinic hasn't endorsed any of these diets, so if you're looking for quick weight loss you may be groaning now.
Stop groaning and start cheering. There is no Mayo Clinic Diet, but there is The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. It's the first pyramid to "encourage weght loss, weight maintenance, and long term health," according to the article, "New Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid Helps You Lose Weight and Keep it Off!"
Donald Hensrud, MD, Editor in Chief of "Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight," describes the pyramid as an approach to permanent weight management. Putting it simply, the pyramid is a healthy choice, a way to live your life. The triangular shape of the pyramid is important, Mayo says, and you may see it by going to http://www.MayoClinic.com and using the search words "Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid."
Click on the pyramid to enlarge it and you'll see how foods stack up. Fruits and vegetables - the foods you eat most - form the base of the pyramid. Carbohydrates (whole grains, pasta, bread, rice, cereals) also help to form the base. Protein and dairy come next. Fats, which you eat in limited amounts, are towards the top of the pyramid. Sweets are at the very top.
How do you use The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid? You select foods from all groups. With the help of a physician and dietitian you find out your starting calorie level. Then you find out how many servings from each food group to eat a day. (It's a lot of food.) You eat normal servings of food (not supersized servings), and record your progress on a Daily Dining Record.
What are your daily servings? You may eat unlimited vegetables, a good thing because veggies are filling. Mayo Clinic recommends a minimum of three fruits per day and you may eat unlimited amounts. You may eat 4-8 servings of whole grains (pasta, bread, rice, cereals). You may eat 3-7 servings of beans, fish, lean meat, and low-fat dairy. You may eat 3-5 servings of fats (olive oil, nuts, canola oil, and avocados). And you may eat up to 75 calories (just a sweet taste) of candy and other processed sugars.
One of the keys to keeping a healthy weight, according to Mayo Clinic, is be aware of the "energy density" of foods. Energy density is the number of calories per serving. High fat foods often have high energy density - lots of calories in a small amount of food. In order to reach your healthy weight and keep it, Mayo Clinic recommends eating lots of vegetables and fruits - foods with low enegy density.
Daily physical activity is the center of The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. Eating right and daily physical activity are a "winning combination," according to "Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight." The chapter on physical activity distinguishes between between physical activity and physical exercise. Physical exercise is planned and structured, the chapter says, whereas physical activity starts the minute you get out of bed.
"Any physical activity is good activity," Mayo Clinic says, and you need to keep moving.
In the introduction to "Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight" Dr. Donald Hensrud says most Americans need to slim down. You can slim down and still enjoy your food. "One of my goals it to make people realize that healthy food can be delicious food," says Hensrud. You'll find delicious recipes in the healthy weight book and more recipes, including Grilled Pear and Watercress Salad, in "The New Mayo Clinic Cook Book."
The Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid is a choice you make for yourself, a way to live life and prolong life. Get with it!
Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.
Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. An active community volunteer, Hodgson is a member of Mayo Clinic's Action on Obesity Task Force. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from http://www.amazon.com. A five-star review of the book is also posted on Amazon.

The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

For over thirty years, the Mayo Clinic has been combating the rumor that they recommend a version of a quick weight loss diet that touts the consumption of grapefruit, vegetables, fruits and unlimited portions of meat and fat. The clinic has repeatedly issued statements that the so-called 'Mayo Clinic Diet' did not originate at the Mayo Clinic and is not endorsed by them. In fact, they have gone so far as to state that it may be unhealthy for some people.

A visit to the Mayo Clinic web site will take you to the REAL Mayo Clinic diet, and their recommendations and guidance for weight loss that is healthy and permanent.


Weight loss results from expending more calories than you consume. The only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you use in your daily activities. The only way to achieve permanent weight loss is by adopting a balanced, healthy diet with portions that fit your lifestyle, and engage in regular physical activity.

The healthiest, most beneficial diet for you is one that takes your individuality into account. There is no 'one perfect eating plan' - not even one that will work for you 'for the rest of your life'. Your body needs different things at different stages. Illnesses and allergies, high stress periods - all result in changing nutritional needs for your body.

Basic Recommendations: The Seven Basic Rules

1. Eat more fruit and vegetables.
2. Reduce intake of saturated fats and cholesterol
3. Cut back on sweets and salt
4. Drink alcohol in moderation, if you must drink at all
5. Learn to eat moderate portions of food
6. Control the number of calories you consume
7. Include physical activity in your daily activities

Specifics by Food Group


Carbs are the body's main energy source. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes and dried beans and grains are a staple of the Mediterranean diet, where heart disease, diabetes and obesity are extremely low.

Recommendation: 45 to 65% of your daily calories should be from carbohydrates. Focus on the complex carbohydrates, milk and fruit, and keep your intake of sugar, white flour and candy low.


Your body uses cholesterol to build and help cells function properly. Typically, our bodies make all the cholesterol needed, and additional cholesterol is deposited on the sides of arteries and organs. Cholesterol is found in meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and seafood.


Limit intake of cholesterol to no more than 300 milligrams daily


One of the most concentrated sources of energy—fat—has more calories than protein or carbohydrates. Your body needs it to absorb some vitamins and build healthy cells and neural pathways. The kind of fat is important, though. Trans and saturated fats (from red meats, among other things), can raise your cholesterol level and heighten your risk of heart attacks.


Aim for 20 to 35% of daily calories from fat. Focus on vegetable oils, nuts and fish oils rather than most animal sources.


Fiber is the bulky part of vegetables. There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Your body needs both. Fiber is derived from bran, oats, wheat, green vegetables, apples and other fruits.


For women: 21 - 25 grams fiber daily
For men: 30 - 38 grams fiber daily

As you can see, the real Mayo Clinic diet emphasizes a balanced diet derived largely from complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables, little meat, and careful choice of fat. They advocate slow, steady weight loss rather than quick, take-it-off-now methods, and strongly suggest that the best eating plans are those that can become the basis for a lifelong change in eating habits. Along with those general recommendations, the clinic's Nutrition Center makes specific recommendations for each food group. Specifically:


Protein is an essential nutrient for nearly every system in the body. It's contained in your skin, bones, muscles, blood, organs, hormones and enzymes. The major sources of dietary protein are meat, seafood, poultry, legumes, seeds and nuts.

Between 10 and 35% of your daily caloric intake should be from protein-rich sources.

An Interesting Exercise

One of the contentions of the Mayo Clinic is that one-size fits all diets won't work for everyone. One of the most helpful parts of their Nutrition Center is their Daily Calorie Calculator. A link on the home page will take you to a Healthy Diet Calculator that will help you calculate a personalized eating plan to help you lose weight.

Here's an example of what your personalized plan could look like:

Subject: Female, 225 lbs, 5 ft 6"

Daily calorie goal for weight loss: 1200 calories
Sweets and extras: up to 75 calories daily
Fats: 3 servings
Protein/Dairy: 3 servings
Carbohydrates: 4 servings
Fruits: 3 or more servings
Vegetables: 4 or more servings

Further links offer a sample menu at that calorie level, and specific recommendations that will help you lose weight. Those tips include:

Increase the ratio of fruits and vegetables in meals
Experiment with new foods and combinations.
Start with a soup or salad.
Learn healthy cooking techniques.
Consider energy density of food.

Energy density?

The Mayo Clinic defines energy density as the number of calories in food vs. the amount of food. A sugary dessert may have extremely high energy density - in other words, a small serving provides a lot of calories. Consequently, it takes far more of that food to make your body feel full. Foods like broccoli have a much less energy density - 15 calories in a regular portion. You eat far less of it and feel full more quickly.

The basic recommendations made by the Mayo Clinic aren't ground-breaking. They advocate sensible eating, low calories and increasing your physical activity. The suggestion to aim for 1-2 pounds lost per week is echoed by nearly every other medically noteworthy institute in the country. It's a real diet - the real Mayo Clinic Diet.

The Mayo Clinic Diet - Its Many Shapes and Sizes

What is "the" Mayo Clinic Diet"? Is it cabbage soup? Bacon and grapefruit juice? Jello and cottage cheese? Chances are, you've heard of one of these variations at some point as the latest and greatest way to shed excess poundage fast. Well, you may not know this, but this now famous diet takes many forms, and there is no one diet that is endorsed and recommended by the Mayo Clinic, save for the new book published and endorsed by doctors of the Mayo Clinic entitled Healthy Weight for Everybody which is actually more of a lifestyle than a temporary weight loss fix.
Although you may have heard through the years of this famous diet, you've probably just heard the latest fads spread through rumor and urban legend as being endorsed by the renowned Clinic. We will examine some of these diets, and talk about their safety, effectiveness, and more importantly the speed at which you can expect to lose weight on them - since this is the major draw of these diets.
The Mayo Clinic is a famous medical facility and practice that is owned by the not for profit Mayo Foundation organization which is located in Rochester, Minnesota. Although its home base is in Minnesota, the Mayo Foundation also operates medical facilities such as clinics and hospitals in several other major metropolitan areas. Exactly how the idea of an exclusive diet endorsed by this organization came about, no one seems to be able to pinpoint.
Although they may not be an officially endorsed diet, some of the rumored eating plans were in fact very effective at taking excess weight off exceedingly fast and relatively safely. Of course, there were also some that were so restrictive that they were nearly impossible to complete every phase, or they were so calorie restrictive that their undertaking could become a huge health risk since the drastic calorie reduction would be a huge shock to anyones system.
The Basic Foundation of the Many Variations of the "Mayo Clinic" Diet
The most popular version of the diet consists of 2 eggs any style, 2 strips of bacon, and grapefruit juice for breakfast. You may also drink coffe or tea black. Then for lunch you get more grapefruit juice, meat and a salad with light dressing. For dinner, it's more grapefruit juice, meat, a vegetable and coffee or tea black. Although it doesn't seem too bad, I tried this one and had a tough time with it. I found that I was very hungry most of the time, and grew tired of the menu after just a few days. I did lose weight though. You are supposed to go on the diet and stick to it for twelve days, then off for two, then back on for twelve. I lasted four days and lost about 5 pounds.
The Problem with the Diet
Most variations of this eating plan, while they can result in very fast and relatively dramatic weight loss, are not based on nutritionally sound principles. However, that does not mean you can't try it - just don't rely on it as a lifestyle eating plan, and do plan on gaining the weight back fast if you go off of it and start eating normally again. It usually takes water weight off for the first few pounds (as with many other diets), and water weight as we all know is usually temporary weight loss unless we stick to a diet plan for at least a month or more.
The method also is based in deprivation of certain food groups, and focuses entirely too much on high fat and high cholesterol food, which can elevate your triglycerides and wreak havoc on your cholesterol count if you are on it for any prolonged period of time. This diet has also generally been reported to make some people feel sluggish, lethargic and even to induce a depressed mood. This may be due to the high concentration of protein, low concentration of fiber, and the ensuing imbalance of blood sugar levels which leads to all of the previously mentioned symptoms of lethargy and depressed mood.
The Bottom Line on the "Mayo Clinic" Diet:
If you must try it, just be mindful of the pitfalls. Do not attempt to use this diet as a fallback whenever you gain a few pounds - this surely will lead to yo-yo dieting and unhealthy weight gain and weight loss frequency. There are lots of other good diets out there now that focus more on balance and moderation, which are way more realistic as lifetime eating habits. Those diets are the ones that are the keepers.
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Seven Tips About Mayo Clinic Diet - What Are the Do's and Don'ts of This Plan

The Mayo Clinic diet plan is more of a long-term healthy maintenance program than a diet plan. The four main components of this plan are sufficient exercise, motivation, and eating rationally together with realistic objectives. Harmful fixations with the tape measure or scale are not advised. Exercise and food diaries are recommended.

Benefits of the diet plan:

• It zeroes in on the vitality of vegetables and fruits. They are both abundant sources of fiber. • It can be considered as one among the most wholesome, healthful and natural diets. It promotes less caffeine, sugar and preservatives. • You can monitor the food you consume. This can be done by following the sample meal plan. • Since the body is adjusting, this plan is a long time process of weight loss and exercise at the onset.

But before you decide on trying this plan, consider its do's and don'ts:

• You may eat only until you are full. You cannot eat any more after you reach this state. • Do not remove anything from your diet. Don't skip the food you eat at breakfast. What you eat during breakfast is the food combination that burn fat. • Eat grapefruit. It is vital because it plays as a vehicle that begins the burning process. • Limit caffeine intake to one cup per meal. Caffeine affects insulin balance that hampers the burning process. • Do not take snacks between meals. Strictly following the suggested meal combinations will leave you full and not craving for any more food. • This diet completely eradicates sugar and starches. Sugar and starches form fat and lipids. In frying food, use butter and use it on vegetables. • You can have twice helpings of meat, salad or vegetables but you may also want to cut down on white vegetables, sweet potatoes, bread and desserts. You lose more weight when you eat foods that are more proper.

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Benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet Plan - 5 Top Reviews on How This System Can Work For You!

The basis of this type of plan is on the weight pyramid of the clinic. It is in here where the Mayo Clinic is one of the most credible health resources according to health experts and best dietitians. They have partnerships with other groups to bring their wonderful processes online.

What are the benefits of the Mayo Clinic diet plan and the top five reviews on how this structure works?

1. It has emphasis on the importance of fruits and vegetables. Both of which are fiber rich sources of food. It is in here where one can consume such types in any amount or quantity. Food like grains belongs to the less side of the pyramid. Eating fruits and vegetables shall promote good digestion in the body.

2. One of the most natural, wholesome, and healthful diets for it promotes less sugar, caffeine, preservatives way of eating.

3. In the sample meal plan, it is best to monitor the food you consume, it must be 1200 calorie based on the weight pyramid.

4. It is a long time process of exercise and weight loss at first for the body is adjusting. Nevertheless, once you get the hang of it, it will be fast, and easy. You will be more inspired and encouraged with the results.

5. One of the benefits of the Mayo Clinic diet plan is the variation of vitamins, minerals found in variety of foods. It includes a 7-day plan for instance cabbage soup, which makes you feel full. Try sandwiches for lunch and salads for dinner.

Another great thing to consider is that you can search online, and read for additional information for better understanding of this diet. There is also an online social support where you can look for friends and diet partners. This will help you in your journey of being slim and fit for a long period.

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Sample Menu For Mayo Clinic Diet - Foods You Can Eat While on This Weight Loss Program

Do you want to have a look on what consists of a Mayo Clinic Diet? Here is a sample menu:

• For breakfast: black coffee or tea, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice • For lunch: meat of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice, salad or raw vegetables with any kind of dressing in an unlimited amount • For dinner: meat or fish of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4 oz. glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice, vegetables cooked in butter and seasoned. • For bedtime snack: 1 glass skim milk or 1 glass tomato juice.

The weight pyramid of the clinic is the basis of the diet plan. The benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet include the following:

• It puts emphasis on the importance on the consumption of vegetables and fruits because these are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The dieter will be consuming a large quantity from this type of food. Grains are categorized in the less side of the pyramid. In order to promote the proper digestion of food, you must eat fruits and vegetables. • It is known to promote the less caffeine, sugar preservative way of eating. • In accordance to the sample meal plan, it is recommended that you monitor your food intake. You must base it on a 1200-calorie diet on the weight pyramid. • There will be a series of exercise regimens for faster weight loss. It can be tiring at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will get easier in time. • You will have access to a variation of vitamins and minerals found in the meals.

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Mayo Clinic Diet - Weight Loss Wonder Or Fraud ?

The Mayo Clinic Diet has been said to be around since the 1940's but no one knows exactly where it came from. Year after year, the Mayo Clinic gets inquiries regarding the Mayo Clinic Diet but, none the less, the diet is not associated with the clinic. The plan offers a new lifestyle approach to maintaining and managing your weight.

The diet plan allows you eat an unlimited amount of vegetables and fruits, plus a wide variety of healthy picks from all of the other food groups. It also focuses on eating grapefruit to help speed up the weight loss effects with fat burning.

This diet method states, that there are no foods that are considered off limits but they do advise that if you eat foods that are high in fat, this will help eliminate hunger. They also practice the rule that you should stop eating when you feel satisfied and full. They claim that this is the key element in the success of this plan. Most diets that restrict foods can be effective for a certain amount of time but in the long run you only pack on the pounds again due to feeling deprived and then overeating.

The other main key in this plan is to maintain a good daily physical activity level due to its positive effects on weight management and overall health. The actual Mayo clinic states that this diet may be dangerous for some people and they continue to state that this diet is in no way associated with them. The diet offers rapid weight loss for individuals, by consuming grapefruit, vegetables, salads and large amounts of meats and fats. It is still very important not to over eat and to stop when you feel full. You also want to try avoiding snacks in between meals on this plan.

Success Rate - while there is no real statistics reported for the success rate of the so-called Mayo Clinic Diet, it has been noted that there is rapid weight loss that is common among dieters that use this method. People on this diet claim they have lost up to 52 pounds in a 2-month period, which is due to an extreme weight loss from a high-protein and high-fat plan. As with any diet, individual results will vary. This can be a good jump start to your weight loss but you would still need to get a good exercise plan and eating plan down pat in order to keep the weight off.

Before starting any diet program or exercise program, consult your doctor. Your physician will help you choose an exercise regimen and diet plan that meets your goals and needs. You do not want to lose weight too quickly as this can be very damaging to your body and overall health.

As with any fad diet, you will see the weight come off quickly but if you do not incorporate a healthy style of eating then you will quickly gain back all that was lost and in some cases even more.

Mayo Clinic Diet - Weight Loss Wonder Or Fraud ?

The Mayo Clinic Diet has been said to be around since the 1940's but no one knows exactly where it came from. Year after year, the Mayo Clinic gets inquiries regarding the Mayo Clinic Diet but, none the less, the diet is not associated with the clinic. The plan offers a new lifestyle approach to maintaining and managing your weight.

The diet plan allows you eat an unlimited amount of vegetables and fruits, plus a wide variety of healthy picks from all of the other food groups. It also focuses on eating grapefruit to help speed up the weight loss effects with fat burning.

This diet method states, that there are no foods that are considered off limits but they do advise that if you eat foods that are high in fat, this will help eliminate hunger. They also practice the rule that you should stop eating when you feel satisfied and full. They claim that this is the key element in the success of this plan. Most diets that restrict foods can be effective for a certain amount of time but in the long run you only pack on the pounds again due to feeling deprived and then overeating.

The other main key in this plan is to maintain a good daily physical activity level due to its positive effects on weight management and overall health. The actual Mayo clinic states that this diet may be dangerous for some people and they continue to state that this diet is in no way associated with them. The diet offers rapid weight loss for individuals, by consuming grapefruit, vegetables, salads and large amounts of meats and fats. It is still very important not to over eat and to stop when you feel full. You also want to try avoiding snacks in between meals on this plan.

Success Rate - while there is no real statistics reported for the success rate of the so-called Mayo Clinic Diet, it has been noted that there is rapid weight loss that is common among dieters that use this method. People on this diet claim they have lost up to 52 pounds in a 2-month period, which is due to an extreme weight loss from a high-protein and high-fat plan. As with any diet, individual results will vary. This can be a good jump start to your weight loss but you would still need to get a good exercise plan and eating plan down pat in order to keep the weight off.

Before starting any diet program or exercise program, consult your doctor. Your physician will help you choose an exercise regimen and diet plan that meets your goals and needs. You do not want to lose weight too quickly as this can be very damaging to your body and overall health.

As with any fad diet, you will see the weight come off quickly but if you do not incorporate a healthy style of eating then you will quickly gain back all that was lost and in some cases even more.

Weight Loss - Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet has been said to be around since the 1940's but no one knows exactly where it came from. Year after year, the Mayo Clinic gets inquiries regarding the Mayo Clinic Diet but, none the less, the diet is not associated with the clinic. The plan offers a new lifestyle approach to maintaining and managing your weight. The diet plan allows you eat an unlimited amount of vegetables and fruits, plus a wide variety of healthy picks from all of the other food groups. It also focuses on eating grapefruit to help speed up the weight loss effects with fat burning.

This diet method states, that there are no foods that are considered off limits but they do advise that if you eat foods that are high in fat, this will help eliminate hunger. They also practice the rule that you should stop eating when you feel satisfied and full. They claim that this is the key element in the success of this plan. Most diets that restrict foods can be effective for a certain amount of time but in the long run you only pack on the pounds again due to feeling deprived and then overeating.
The other main key in this plan is to maintain a good daily physical activity level due to its positive effects on weight management and overall health.

The actual Mayo clinic states that this diet may be dangerous for some people and they continue to state that this diet is in no way associated with them. The diet offers rapid weight loss for individuals, by consuming grapefruit, vegetables, salads and large amounts of meats and fats. It is still very important not to over eat and to stop when you feel full. You also want to try avoiding snacks in between meals on this plan.

Success Rate

While there is no real statistics reported for the success rate of the so-called Mayo Clinic Diet, it has been noted that there is rapid weight loss that is common among dieters that use this method. People on this diet claim they have lost up to 52 pounds in a 2-month period, which is due to an extreme weight loss from a high-protein and high-fat plan.

As with any diet, individual results will vary. This can be a good jump start to your weight loss but you would still need to get a good exercise plan and eating plan down pat in order to keep the weight off.

Before starting any diet program or exercise program, consult the advise of your doctor. Your physician will help you choose an exercise regimen and diet plan that meets your goals and needs. You do not want to loose weight too quickly as this can be very damaging to your body and overall health.

As with any fad diet, you will see the weight come off quickly but if you do not incorporate a healthy style of eating then you will quickly gain back all that was lost and in some cases even more.

The Mayo Clinic Diet, New Years Resolutions Were Never This Easy

So your New Year's Resolution is to lose weight and eliminate that unsightly holiday belly bulge is it? Well "The Mayo Clinic Diet" just might be the ticket and you know New Years Resolutions were never this easy when I was a kid. With a name and reputation like Mayo Clinic, well it sure sounds good. But you seem skeptical; is it because you have tried all the other diets before and still no luck yet?
The Atkins got boring and that simply was not going to work long term. The South Beach Diet, now that was sure trendy. You even bought the book didn't you? Didn't you? Don't lie, it's okay, I did too. Sure we all lost 15 pounds on that one and it lasted longer than the others, it wasn't so bad. But those pounds slowly came back; didn't they? Sure they did, that's okay, me too!
Let me propose the Mayo Clinic Diet, give it a shot and let me tell you why. First this diet has been available for about 30 years. It does not work for everyone, but it has worked for many and might work for you too. Is the Mayo Clinic really endorsing this diet? Yes, previously they had originated it and it seems to resurface every year about this time after the holidays when dieting becomes trendy. So what do you have to lose besides a few extra pounds, so give it a shot why don't ya? You really need to do this in 2006.
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