Alli Weight-Loss Pill, Does It Work?

Is Alli the answer to your weight-loss woes? A Mayo Clinic doctor discusses the strength of Alli, an over-the-counter weight-loss nutrition.

Other drug is accessible to aid your weight-loss efforts, but this moment you don't need a prescription. Alli (pronounced AL-eye) is meant for obesity adults who are struggling to shed unneeded pounds. With its unproblematic way and weight-loss promises, is Alli your reply to losing weight permanently?

Here, Donald Hensrud, M.D., a protective medicine and nutrition specialist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., answers popular questions about Alli.

What is Alli?

Alli is the reduced-strength type of orlistat (Xenical), a prescription drug to handle fat. It's approved for over-the-counter selling to obesity adults 18 years and senior. Alli is meant to be utilized in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and frequent exercising.

How does Alli operate?

Alli p romotes unit release by decreasing absorption of fat by the intestines, which reduces the size of calories you absorb.

Lipase, an enzyme constitute in the digestive biome, helps breaking downwardly dietary fat into small components, so it can be used or stored for energy. Alli works by disabling lipase, which prevents the enzyme from breaking downwards the fat while it's in your digestive tract. The undigested fat continues through the intestines and is eliminated through gut movements.

Alli is taken with fat-containing meals, up to 3 times a day. Because of how Alli mechanism, it's recommended that you eat no more than 15 grams of fat with each nutrition. Feeding higher amounts of fat can create unwanted effects, such as imperative bowel movements, diarrhea and gas with oily dirtying.

How much units could I lose using Alli?

Alli can assist you lose weight, but the coefficient decline probable won't be large - perhaps just a few p ounds more than you would lose with diet and workout incomparable. Only a small size of studies have evaluated the effectualness of Alli. And more of the weight-loss estimates are based on studies conducted on its prescription-strength duplicate, Xenical.

The amount unit decline for prescription-strength Xenical is discreet - about 6 pounds greater than diet and practise alone after one twelvemonth. So at half the strength, Alli could conceivably result in an number of 3 pounds destroyed in a twelvemonth in addition to the roughly 8 pounds you could await to lose from diet and drill alone.

When shouldn't I take Alli?

  • You shouldn't require Alli if you:
  • Are at a healthy weight
  • Are taking cyclosporine
  • Hold had an organ transplantation
  • Make problems absorbing substance

The treatment also may expose risks for anyone who takes blood-thinning medicament or has diabetes or endocrine disease .

Orlistat decreases the absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins - for illustration, vitamins A, D and E. If you're taking Alli, you require to have a daily vitamin supplement (at a time different from when you take Alli) to prevent potential nutrient deficiencies.

How far do I demand to take Alli?

According to the business, most weight loss occurs within the early six months. Numerous people who take medications to decrease weight get the weight they lost when they terminate taking the drug. Hence, to maintain the weight off, some people continue taking medications indefinitely along with consumption a low-calorie diet and exercising regularly.

How does Alli fit into a healthy weight-loss project?

As you consider Alli as a weight-loss aid, make sure that you achieve every effort to workout, alter your feeding habits and alter any other manner factors that have contributed to your extra weight. Alli isn' t the comfortable resolution to weight loss and is meant only to supplement - not replace - a fit diet and frequent practice.

Use with your  to evaluate the potential benefits and risks of Alli or any different weight-loss drugs. As a team, you can create the most effective weight-loss plan for you.


What Is Triggering Your Crohns Symptoms?

Those with Crohn's disease know how blissful a period of remission feels, and how they will do anything to avoid activities or actions that might trigger inflammation and a return of unwanted crohn s symptoms.

Almost all of the Crohn s symptoms you might have are due to this inflammation. If that can be avoided, you may see a reduction in the number of flare-ups that you have to endure. Most of this inflammation occurs within in the intestines, and that might lead you to believe that the foods you eat are triggers. This is only partly true. Though none of these triggers are proven, there are many who believe them to be true. Research is ongoing.

One commonly held belief is that bacteria can cause a flare up of inflammation. There is always bacteria in the digestive system, as many actually aid in digestion of foods and liquids. However, there are some foods that create excess bacteria when they are digested, and milk is one that is said to be a t rigger. When people who are lactose intolerant ingest milk the bacteria produced can be overabundant. However, it is thought that it only takes one initial contact with the excess bacteria to cause a reaction, and even if you remove that trigger, reactions can still occur later down the road.

Stress is another trigger that a lot of sufferers regard as one of their biggest problems. There is no scientific evidence to back that up, but many swear it. However, it is not a cause of Crohn's as many believe, but reducing stress can help reduce flare-ups of Crohn's symptoms.

There has been research that suggests stress can lower the body's immunity. You may already know that Crohn's is an autoimmune disease, so it makes sense that stress could be a trigger. It would also make sense that you should learn to reduce your stresses, and find ways to cope when things are out of hand. Breathing techniques might be great tools for when you are feeling overwhelmed with stress.

There are other items that we ingest that might trigger the inflammation that causes symptoms. Some believe that both antibiotics and NSAIDs are common problems. Antibiotics are often needed to treat infections, and that makes them hard to avoid. NSAIDs like ibuprofen are easier to avoid if they are triggers for you. One of the most agreed upon environmental triggers is smoking. If you smoke, you should quit. You should also avoid being in an enclosed area with someone who smokes so you aren't getting it second hand.

Though these triggers are not completely accepted, many believe they are big problems. There is also research that indicates there may be a defective gene that can trigger Crohn's in some people. This has been reported on the Mayo Clinic's website, and even though the research is on going, they say this is a promising sign in the search for a cure.

If you think your Crohn s symptoms are being triggered by cer tain things, you should eliminate those items or actions from your life to see if improvements are made to your symptoms.

CoQIO And Its Role In The Fight Against Autism

Many of the treatments used to manage and supposedly treat autism are usually labeled as part of alternative medications. As the name suggest, alternative medicines are not part of the mainstream drugs largely sold in pharmacies. A number of the medications suggested by sectors and organizations such as the Autism Research Institute mostly prescribe alternative medications to autism patients, mainly because their treatments are not acknowledged by mainstream doctors. Of course, this does not mean that these alternative medications are not effective. After all, alternative medication has been used for hundreds of years already. The fact that it is not recognized should be hinder a person from taking alternative medications, especially if these alternative medications have a number of researches and studies backing it up.

One of the alternative medications currently used to fight autism is the coQ10, also known as the Coenzyme Q10. It is a oil-soluble vitamin-li ke substance that has the ability to act as an antioxidant in the body, hence its use as a dietary supplement. The Mayo Clinic says that the Coenzyme Q10 is recommended for a number of conditions, it is also still under research in some areas. For instance, it is an acknowledged medication for mitochondrial disorders and for its benefits for people with congestive heart failure. Most recently, it has also been attached to the treatment of brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's due to its beneficial effects on the human brain. It has been observed that people suffering from Parkinson's disease have low levels of this enzyme. The same was observed among autism patient; this wasn't surprising at all since autistic children also have low levels of antioxidants to begin.

How can the coenzyme Q10 work for autistic patients?

Since it works as an antioxidant, the CoQ10 protects the brain from free radicals. This is the main purpo se of antioxidants, and this is how many say the autism symptoms can be prevented. To understand this further, it is important to note how free radicals come to exist in the body. Free radicals are created through the oxidation process in the body. During oxidation, these toxins-also called free radicals-are created, damaging certain parts of the body such as the brain, among others. Antioxidants such as the Coenzyme Q10 delays or prevents the oxidation in the body, hence preventing the creation of free radicals. When these free radicals are left inside the body, they can further damage the brain of an autistic child. Whether this is the cause of autism or merely an effect is still being discussed. Nonetheless, what is known is that these free radicals can harm children with autism; and they need CoQ10 supplements since, as mentioned earlier, they have very low levels of this enzyme.

Of course, interested parties should always note that the Coenzyme Q10 is an al ternative medicine. With this, it means its effects are not yet fully tested. To be sure, no negative effects can be caused by the use of this medication. But just the same, the use of Coenzyme Q10 is furthering the progress of autism treatments.

BarryĆ¢€™s 5 Anti-Depression Suggestions



Ok, we all sometimes have a "case of the Mondays," where you're just sooooo not in the mood for your everyday life and the weight of the world is on your shoulders, killing your neck and giving you a headache in the process. The last thing you want to do is exercise, however, the best way to feel better when you're feeling down is to get your heart rate up!

Of course, there is a big difference between just being down and depression. While you should always consult your doctor on serious matters including depression, here are a few Barry's Bootcamp suggestions to combating the blues – no matter who you are.

The main things we want to do are to maintain healthy levels of serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter) and release endorphins (the pain-killer neurotransmitter), as well as adopt an optimistic outlook on life.

So, here are my 5 anti-depressants. Take at least two and call me in the morning. That's an order!

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  • You are what you eat: Oh, is this true! So why would you want to put anything into your body that you wouldn't want to be?
  • Our body cannot produce tryptophan which is converted into serotonin, so eating foods rich in this amino acid is your best bet!

    Here are several foods containing great amounts of tryptopha; chicken, sardines, turkey, salmon, fresh tuna, nuts, sunflower seeds, bananas, pineapple, tofu, spinach, chicken, asparagus and cottage cheese may help you feel good.

    1. Work it out: exercise not only is good for your physical health, but also for your mental health. After all, it makes you feel like you've accomplished a goal, makes you sleep better and can boost self esteem.

    According to the Mayo Clinic website, there is a correlation between exercise and depression:

                Some evidence suggests that exercise raises the levels of certain mood-enhanc ing neurotransmitters in the brain. Exercise may also boost feel-good endorphins, release muscle tension, help you sleep better, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases body temperature, which may have calming effects. All of these changes in your mind and body can improve such symptoms as sadness, anxiety, irritability, stress, fatigue, anger, self-doubt and hopelessness.

    Also, read my blog about keeping an energy high going all day;

    So, don't waste any more time in bed – go for a walk outside and take a look at the big beautiful world around you, or at least do your Barry's Bootcamp inside with a soothing aromatherapy candle and then a relaxing bath. Oh Colon, take us away!


    1. Get by with a little help with your friends: it is amazing what our support system can do for us; our loved ones, our friends, even our dogs (seriously, they can pick up on when we're feeling down), and there is a whole community of people who need each other's support and give it freely. That community is the Barry's Bootcamp Community page on

    Anyone can sign up, even if you do not own a Barry's Bootcamp system (and why don't you, ahem?), and join others in discussing the triumphs and tribulations in reaching their fitness goals. Commiserate with the lucky few who only need to lose a little weight but find it hard to keep up the motivation. Celebrate with the fast food junkie who has never worked out and cannot even read the scale as he takes the first steps toward changing his life. Be inspired by the mother of seven who after her baby died decided to get in shape so she could live to see her other kids graduate college.

    Our community page is made up of an extraordinary group of people who understand that life is precious and we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it.

    Stop by today and feel better about tomorrow.


    1. Just breathe: you've been told this all your life. Take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, you can't help but feel more relaxed, more centered.

    Well, there is definitely truth to proper breathing in all exercising; especially yoga (read my blog about breathing And there is also definitely truth in combating depression with breathing.

    Here are a few b reathing exercises to try

    • At any time: Inhale for a count of 5, exhale for a count of 5. repeat 5 times.
    • In a stressful moment: Inhale for a count of 10. Exhale for a count of 5. Repeat 3 times.
    • In a moment of anger: Take 10 deep breaths, allowing inhale/exhale to happen naturally.
    • To loosen up: Inhale an dexhale evenly while stretching: let head hang from neck, stretch arms over head and behind back. Stand and stretch side to side and then twist at the waist. Bend knee and grab toes from behind the back-stretching the thighs, followed by hamstring stretches. Finally, shake out each part of the body.
    • Yawn- it will happen naturally during breathing - allowing for even more oxygen to travel to the brain.


    1. Don't Worry Be Happy: Ok, it's hard to be happy all the time, but taking time to be happy is key.

    While there are a gazillion self-help books, methods and support groups, you only need one to get you going on a happy path of self discovery and contentment. It will take some time to narrow down what kind of book is right for you, but start with this:

    • Make a list of 5 things you want to change in your life – anything from financial security to finding love to becoming more confident. List these 1 to 5 with 1 being most important. Now take your top two and write three bullet points of exactly what you want regarding the issue. For instance; #1 Find a new job. Your bullet points can be: why do you keep getting the same kind of jobs, finding the courage to start a new business, is going back to school the right choice. Now that you know the questions that need solutions you can research books that offer the answers.
    • Anyone can benefit from simple creative exploration – you will be surprised how much you can discover about yourself when you open your creative mind's eye. A great hands on book is The Artist's Way Workbook – bestselling author Julia Cameron takes you on a journey into your untapped unconscious –releasing your true life's ambition and purpose through writing every morning, taking yourself on artist's dates and weekly tasks. Do this 12 week program along with your Barry's Bootcamp routine and see how good your body and soul look at the end.
    • Make a list as long as it needs to be of all the good things in your life and another of all the bad. See which list is longer. Either way, post the good list where you can see it and take the bad list and start finding solutions so you can start crossing them off.
    • Remember that bad things happen and we often do not have much control over them, which is why it is so important to focus on the things we can control and make positive changes. You'll be amazed how other things start to evolve and "fix themselves" when you're consciously fixing other things. Get in shape and your finances may, too. After all, if you're feeling better you're probably working better and then that promotion is yours!


    Oh, most important than all else on this list – get some good sleep! It is proven that we need to dream for our physical, mental and especially emotional health. Plus, if you have a problem that needs a solution, "sleeping on it" is your best way to find the answer – the opposite of brainstorming, it is brain calming – allowing your unconscious to tap in and give the true answer.




    A Magic Pill of Our Own Making

    We've all seen those commercials on TV that warn of "stubborn belly fat" brought on by too much stress. The pills being hawked on these programs promise to block the stress hormone, cortisol.

    Ever wonder if there's any truth to what they're saying?

    Can women really get fat from being stressed? If you were to go without eating for an entire day, but were stressed out the entire time, does that mean you'd GAIN WEIGHT?

    Sounds preposterous. But it's TRUE!

    The Truth
                 Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland in your adrenal cortex. It's your body's modern-day answer to the "fight or flight" responses we had in reaction to stress (back when we were true hunters and gatherers).


    -          Increases blood pressure and blood sugar

    -          Breaks down lipids and proteins (in case you'd rather 'fight' than � ��flight')

    -          Acts as a water diuretic hormone (leading to dehydration)

    -          Physically eats away at the pleasure centers of the brain (producers of norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine)

          So cortisol DOES exist and is indeed harmful to the body if left unchecked.

    When do you feel stressed?
                Studies have shown that most women are more stressed than they truly know. In today's modern economy, where women are becoming more likely to branch out on their own and start their own businesses, female entrepreneurs are often faced with multiple stress levels:

    Child care, household finances, peace of mind, shared financial obligations with the spouse, and other such obstacles are creating more stress for women who own businesses.

    Some symptoms of stress include:


    trouble sleeping
    diar rhea
    lack of energy
    lack of concentration |
    eating too much or not at all
    higher risk of asthma and arthritis flare-ups
    stomach cramping
    stomach bloating
    skin problems, like hives
    weight gain or loss
    heart problems
    high blood pressure
    irritable bowel syndrome
    neck and/or back pain
    less sexual desire
    harder to get pregnant


    Before You Buy a Magic Pill
                 Don't place your order with the number on the bottom of your screen just yet…there's a catch (isn't there always?)

    Most of these pills rely on dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a natural steroid hormone with calming affects on the central nervous system.

    Possible Side Effects of DHEA:
                  According to the Mayo Cli nic's website (, possible side effects include, but are not limited to:

    -          Nausea

    -          Abdominal discomfort

    -          Fatigue

    -          Nasal congestion

    -          Headache

    -          Acne

    -          Rapid/Irregular heartbeats.

    But Wait, There's More!
                   Straight from "In women, the most common side effects are abnormal menses, emotional changes, headache, and insomnia. Individuals with a history of abnormal heart rhythms, blood clots or hypercoagulability, and those with a history of liver disease should avoid DHEA supplements.

    Because DHEA is a hormone related to other male and female hormones, there may be side effects related to its hormonal activities. For example, masculinization may occur in women, including acne, greasy skin, facial hair, hair loss, increased sweating, weight gain around the waist, or a deeper voice. Other hormonal-related side effects may include increased blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, altered cholesterol levels, altered thyroid hormone levels, and altered adrenal function. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hyperglycemia, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, or other endocrine (hormonal) abnormalities. Serum glucose, cholesterol and thyroid levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare professional, and medication adjustments may be necessary.

    In theory, DHEA may increase the risk of developing prostate, breast, or ovarian cancer. DHEA may contribute to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. Other side effects may include insomnia, agitation, delusions, mania, nervousness, irritability, or psychosis.

    High DHEA levels have been correlated with Cushing's syndrome, which may be caused by excessive supplementation." (Source:, Copyright 2008)

    In easy to understand terms…that's turning women into men! And since when is CANCER a good trade-off for losing weight?

    What Does It All Mean?
                Numero Uno – There's no 'magic pill' that will get rid of the stress and block cortisol (without killing you in the process).

    So what can you do to relieve stress, build antibodies, and get rid of fat all at the same time WITHOUT taking hours out of your day to drive to the gym, workout, shower, and get on with your life?

    The Women's Guide to Handling Stress
    Step 1: Stretch
    There's nothing like a good, fifteen minute total-body workout that focuses on muscle toning and deep breathing to relinquish stress a nd help you lose weight – I'm talking about YOGA!  And let's face it, you've never seen a woman look like a muscle-y linebacker when she's finished with her yoga session, have you? Who wants to risk even more with hidden dietary nightmares in a pill?

    Step 2: Make time for yourself
    As women, we tend to "tend and befriend", to focus on the needs of everyone else around us rather than our immediate issues. We feel "mommy guilt" for taking time to grow a business rather than put a band-aid on a booboo. In the evenings, I schedule bath time for myself. Bubbles, a good book (I recommend Healthy Selfishness by Drs. Rachael and Richard Heller), and I'm in heaven! Other "you time" can include scrapbooking, working on cars, sewing, candlemaking, or anything that will allow you an escape. Heck, even a good movie will work!

    Step 3: Take care of yourself
    You can't very well be of any use to others if yo u don't take care of you! Getting proper nutrition, sleep, and exercising regularly (or at least, when you can) will make all the difference in the world in your energy levels, overall health, and even mental acuity!

    Step 4: Talk to your friends
    Often times, the women you surround yourself with (the like-minded ones) can be so therapeutic. Coffee and my best girlfriend are a recipe for laughter, destressing, and make for one relaxing morning.

    And finally…

    Step 5: Don't be afraid to be emotional!
    Picking your battles can be the fastest route to a stress-free environment. Most female entrepreneurs (myself included) find that when something doesn't go our way, we rely more on our emotions than we should.

    But that's what's so great about being a woman! Sometimes, a good cry is all it takes to get rid of whatever I'm trying to hold back. Then I can wipe away the tears and get back to my day. Sometimes, I just w anna yell. I do, feel better, and get back to what I'm doing.

    Whatever you do to eliminate stress in your life, do so with the knowledge that you're not only contributing to your overall health, but you might actually be losing weight in the process!

    How Stress Makes Women Fat (and How to Get Rid of Both!)

    We've all seen those commercials on TV that warn of "stubborn belly fat" brought on by too much stress. The pills being hawked on these programs promise to block the stress hormone, cortisol.

    Ever wonder if there's any truth to what they're saying?

    The Truth
                 Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland in your adrenal cortex. It's your body's modern-day answer to the "fight or flight" responses we had to stress (back when we were true hunters and gatherers).


    -          Increases blood pressure and blood sugar

    -          Breaks down lipids and proteins (in case you'd rather 'fight' than 'flight')

    -          Acts as a water diuretic hormone (leading to dehydration)

    -          Physically eats away at the pleasure centers of the brain (producers of norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine)

    So cortisol DOES exist and is indeed harmful to the body if left unchecked.

    Before You Buy a Pill
                 Don't place your order with the number on the bottom of your screen just yet…there's a catch (isn't there always?)

    Most of these pills rely on dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a natural steroid hormone with calming affects on the central nervous system.

    Possible Side Effects of DHEA:
                  According to the Mayo Clinic's website (, possible side effects include, but are not limited to:

    -          Nausea

    -          Abdominal discomfort

    -          Fatigue

    -          Nasal congestion

    -          Headache

    -          Acne

    -          Rapid/Irregular heartbeats.

    But Wait, There's More!
        � �          Straight from "In women, the most common side effects are abnormal menses, emotional changes, headache, and insomnia. Individuals with a history of abnormal heart rhythms, blood clots or hypercoagulability, and those with a history of liver disease should avoid DHEA supplements.


    Because DHEA is a hormone related to other male and female hormones, there may be side effects related to its hormonal activities. For example, masculinization may occur in women, including acne, greasy skin, facial hair, hair loss, increased sweating, weight gain around the waist, or a deeper voice. Likewise, men may develop more prominent breasts (gynecomastia), breast tenderness, increased blood pressure, testicular wasting, or increased aggressiveness. Other hormonal-related side effects may include increased blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, altered cholesterol levels, altered thyroid hormone levels, and altered adrenal function. Cauti on is advised in patients with diabetes or hyperglycemia, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, or other endocrine (hormonal) abnormalities. Serum glucose, cholesterol and thyroid levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare professional, and medication adjustments may be necessary.

    In theory, DHEA may increase the risk of developing prostate, breast, or ovarian cancer. DHEA may contribute to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer. Other side effects may include insomnia, agitation, delusions, mania, nervousness, irritability, or psychosis.

    High DHEA levels have been correlated with Cushing's syndrome, which may be caused by excessive supplementation." (Source:, Copyright 2008)

    In easy to understand terms…that's turning women into men and vice versa! And since when is CANCER a good trade-off for losing weight?

    What Does It All Mean?
                Numero Uno – There's no 'magic pill' that will get rid of the stress and block cortisol (without killing you in the process).

    So what can you do to relieve stress, build antibodies, and get rid of fat all at the same time WITHOUT taking hours out of your day to drive to the gym, workout, shower, and get on with your life?

    My solution: Yoga.

    There's nothing like a good, fifteen minute total-body workout that focuses on muscle toning and deep breathing to relinquish stress and help you lose weight!  And let's face it, you've never seen a woman look like a muscle-y linebacker when she's finished with her yoga session, have you? Who wants to risk even more with hidden dietary nightmares in a pill?

    Imagine stress-free bill paying, calmly telling the kids to sit down for the tw entieth time, and picking up your husband's dirty socks from the middle of the floor (yet again) with tranquility.

    Your own living room suddenly becomes your spa!

    Use yoga to remove the stress from all of your daily activities, and you can face each day with more energy, more time, and more LIFE!

    Rachel D. Young is a certified Fitness Trainer and Editor-in-chief of Beautiful Curves, a monthly newsletter full of recipes, exercise, and motivational materials centered around how women can easily become healthy and beautiful, naturally and quickly. Learn more about her at

    A Look At Cosmetic Surgery

    Cosmetic and plastic surgery has long been associated with vanity, but mounting evidence suggests that in many cases cosmetic surgery can offer substantial health benefits. Nose jobs can offer real health benefits in addition to improving the symmetry of the face. Face lifts have been shown to increase life expectancy. And eyelid surgery can create significant vision benefits for some people. All of these examples show the lines between aesthetics and real health benefits can blur when examining plastic surgery procedures.

    Rhinoplasty, or nose jobs have health benefits beyond the aesthetic appeals of the procedure. In many cases, rhinoplasty can substantially improve breathing difficulties. In cases where people have broken their nose, the cartilage can become constricted, creating breathing problems. Rhinoplasty can alleviate this, along with snoring problems associated with constricted nasal passages. Many people who have persistent sinus problems have remedi ed the issue with rhinoplasty.

    Face lifts have long been considered a purely cosmetic procedure for people to fight the effects of aging. However, evidence shows that face lifts actually can have health benefits. A study performed at the Mayo clinic reviewed data from 250 women who had undergone face lifts in the '70s. The data showed that on average, women who received face lifts outlived their counterparts in the general population by 10 years. The self esteem factors attributed to looking and feeling younger as a result of the face lift are cited as possible reasons why these patients lived longer.

    Eyelid surgery known as blepharoplasty is a procedure to remove fat--usually along with excess skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. While the procedure does have cosmetic benefits, it can also provide real health benefits to those who have vision problems caused by excess skin around the eyelids.

    Gastric Bypass surgery, while not often considered "cosmetic surgery" can be viewed as a surgery to improve appearances. Like liposuction, it reduces an individual's weight through surgical means. However, the health benefits of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight are well documented and accepted. Losing weight is a perfect example of how health benefits and aesthetic benefits can both result from the same surgical procedures.

    Most who have significant dental problems will view fixing those problems as a mandatory concern. Braces were once considered strange, but now are commonplace. People who lose teeth in accidents don't think twice about the vanity associated with replacing those teeth. Indeed, they argue that replacing broken or lost teeth is necessary for healthy eating function, as well as restoring appearance. Improving speech through dentistry has been long accepted for its benefits, and without the taboos associated with many cosmetic surgery procedures.

    Cosmetic surgery is not just for vain people who want to improve their aesthetic appeal. In many cases, the real benefits of cosmetic surgery make the aesthetic improvements just an added bonus when compared to the health benefits the procedures can provide. As cosmetic surgery becomes more common, the lines between purely cosmetic and self esteem benefits and real measurable health benefits will increasingly blur. As the health benefits of cosmetic surgery become more apparent and documented, the acceptance of the procedures by the public at large will continue to climb.