New Years Resolutions Were Never This Easy

So your New Year's Resolution is to lose weight and eliminate that unsightly holiday belly bulge is it? Well "The Mayo Clinic Diet" just might be the ticket and you know New Years Resolutions were never this easy when I was a kid. With a name and reputation like Mayo Clinic, well it sure sounds good. But you seem skeptical; is it because you have tried all the other diets before and still no luck yet?

Get Best Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan Program

The Atkins got boring and that simply was not going to work long term. The South Beach Diet, now that was sure trendy. You even bought the book didn't you? Didn't you? Don't lie, it's okay, I did too. Sure we all lost 15 pounds on that one and it lasted longer than the others, it wasn't so bad. But those pounds slowly came back; didn't they? Sure they did, that's okay, me too!

Get Best Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan Program

Let me propose the Mayo Clinic Diet, give it a shot and let me tell you why. First this diet has been available for about 30 years. It does not work for everyone, but it has worked for many and might work for you too. Is the Mayo Clinic really endorsing this diet? Yes, previously they had originated it and it seems to resurface every year about this time after the holidays when dieting becomes trendy. So what do you have to lose besides a few extra pounds, so give it a shot why don't ya? You really need to do this in 2006.

Get Best Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan Program< /h3>

Boost Brain Power With These Brain "Super" Foods-The top 10 foods that make you smarter...and healthier

When it comes to food, you have a wealth of delicious choices. And each one not only tastes good but also supplies unique health benefits. From blueberries to dark chocolate, leading nutritionists and physicians are pointing to certain foods that enhance brain power and, they say, a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Although there's no conclusive research about the healthful brain benefits of particular supplements, food sources rich in vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids may provide benefit, says Jillian McMullen, R.D., LD/N, Outpatient Clinical Dietician with Mayo Clinic.

Vitamin E-rich foods include vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Omega 3-rich foods include fish, walnuts and flax seeds.

"We also know that adequate amounts of B vitamins are essential for brain function," says McMullen. "Some studies suggest a protective role of vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12, but more research is needed before we can recommend these supplements. It doesn't hurt to eat foods rich in folic acid such as green, leafy vegetables, fortified breads and cereals, and dried beans, as well as those chocked full of vitamin B12 like fish, meat, eggs, cheese and chicken."

It's All About Balance

There's no denying that as we age, our body (and brain) ages right along with us. Getting older brings some risk of cognitive problems such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. There's also increased brain function risk from certain diseases like hypertension, diabetes and obesity that can cause damage to the brain.

"Theoretically, we can control these diseases and keep our brain healthy unlike old age or genetic factors that we can't control," says Floyd Willis, M.D., family medicine practitioner and creator of Mayo Clinic's "LiveWell. ThinkWell." program.

It all ties together, Willis says. People who have the most risk of strokes are those wit h hypertension, diabetes and obesity. "Often, people don't associate the truism that as goes the heart, so goes the brain (and kidney). The impetus of the Mayo 'LiveWell. ThinkWell.' healthy brain program is about maintaining a healthy balance and healthy lifestyle."

Dr. Willis created the community outreach program offered through Mayo's Memory Disorder Clinic to educate African-Americans about healthy brain aging and memory disorders. African-Americans may have higher risk for Alzheimer's disease because they have a higher incidence of some medical conditions associated with dementia, according to the Alzheimer's Association. The program provides information to seniors and their families about memory disorders and brain aging, including tips on how to keep the mind healthy.

Research is showing that you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain well into old age if you add "super" foods to your daily diet. Blueberrie s have been found to help protect the brain and animal studies have shown that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills of aging rats, making them mentally equivalent to much younger rats.

"But, we can't conclude that antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries, strawberries and spinach will have the same age-related reversal of brain deficits in humans as those they found in rats. The American Dietetic Association is currently studying the effect of strawberries, blueberries, prunes, spinach and fatty fish, and may find positive benefits to short term memory," says McMullen.

Whether or not the foods are brain super foods, they're heart healthy and a great part of a balanced diet, she says. "A diet rich in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy is essential to overall health and energy."

Healthy Food for a Healthy Life

Carol Al banesi, Director of Food Services and a registered nurse for Flagler Hospital, agrees. "The foods we're talking about are foods that are necessary and appropriate for a healthy diet. There's not any true super food. A healthy diet has to be part of a healthy lifestyle that includes getting enough sleep (six to eight hours a day) and eating right. By that I also mean eating breakfast, not skipping meals and adding several small snacks during the day."

Albanesi suggests that by eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercising three to five times a week you'll increase your optimum health. All of these activities, including eating brain boosting super foods, bring oxygen to the brain by expanding blood vessels for increased blood flow to the brain.

"Your circulatory system feeds your cells and pulls away toxins," she says. "That's why you need to increase blood flow with these activities. Exercise is particularly good because it i ncreases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and keeps your body healthy."

Beans, she says, are a great food source because they're a good carbohydrate and protein source, they're inexpensive and they stabilize your glucose during the day. Drinking water is also important. Albanesi also suggests six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

The Top Ten Brain Boosting Foods

Sally Clifton, MSH, RD, LD/N, at Shands Hospital, offers her top ten brain super food picks:

1. Coffee – The caffeine and the coffee bean itself have been shown to have some antioxidant properties, she says. Most of the benefits for boosting brain power come from the caffeine. Suggested serving: no more than two or three cups a day.

2. Tea – Freshly brewed green and black tea have antioxidant properties and some caffeine that dilates blood vessels and increases the blood flow to the brain, enhancing memory focus and mood. "It's temporary so everyone should judge the amount," Clifton says. "The tea contains catechines that are the antioxidant properties; flavored tea doesn't have caffeine." Suggested serving: no more than two or three cups a day.

3. Blueberries – Blueberries are one food that really stands out, she says, because they have a certain antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress to help reduce age-related diseases. "Over time, because you're exposed to the environment, you're more exposed to free radicals. That's why it's so important that athletes take in fruits and vegetables."
She advises adding a variety of fruits to your diet. An easy way to add them is putting a cup in your smoothie, shake, yogurt or on cereal. Suggested serving: 1 cup a day.

4. Wild or farm-raised salmon – Wild salmon tends to be leaner and purer than farm-raised but both are good, she says. Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and contains anti-inflammatory substances that ultimately aid in blood flow and brain activity, lowering dementia and stroke risk and enhancing memory. "Salmon even keeps the blood flowing in the very small capillaries in the brain," she says. Suggested serving: 4-ounces two or three times a week grilled, baked or broiled.

5. Nuts and seeds – Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E that boosts brain function and corresponds with less cognitive decline. Nuts and seeds also offer a large dose of monounsaturated fat that is heart healthy and promotes blood flow. A caveat is that nuts and seeds are very high in good fat, so limit the amount. Choose unsalted if you have hypertension. "Almonds, walnuts and peanuts are very good but choose a variety," she says. Suggested serving: about one-fourth cup or one ounce a day.

6. Avocados – Although avocados got a bad rap for having a lot of fat several years ago, the green fruit is actually very healthy all around. They're packed with monounsaturate d fat but it's good fat. Avocados also have a lot of antioxidants and some amino acids (protein), help lower blood pressure and help reduce inflammation. "I suggest putting them on a sandwich, in a salad or on your salmon for a double brain boost." Suggested serving: one-quarter to one-half of an avocado daily.

7. Whole grains – Whole grains like whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, wheat germ and brown rice create good blood flow because they have more intact nutrients including vitamin E, antioxidants, fiber and some have Omega 3 fatty acids. "Blood flow is crucial because it helps keep the integrity of cells in the brain," says Clifton.

8. Pomegranate juice – Although juice has been maligned because it's packed with sugar, pomegranate juice is full of antioxidants and a small amount of sugar helps with immediate energy. "Stick to about 2 ounces of natural fruit juice per serving. A way to do that is to mix the juice with sparkling wat er or sprite for a flavor boost. You can add it to water several times a day and eat a piece of fruit," she says. Suggested serving: about 6 to 8 ounces a day.

9. Beans – All kinds of beans including black beans, kidney beans and lentils offer a lot of fiber and help stabilize your glucose levels throughout the day, allowing your brain to better use the food for fuel. Suggested serving: one-half cup a day.

10. Dark chocolate – This decadent food has powerful antioxidant properties and also has a small amount of caffeine, a natural stimulant that aids with focus and concentration. Dark chocolate also stimulates production of endorphins that help improve mood. For a double health surge, try chocolate covered blueberries. Suggested serving: one-half to one ounce a day.

Back to Basics

"The key is a healthy diet and eating small meals throughout the day to boost brain power because the food is giving you small energy boosts," says Clifton. "I most often work with people to establish balance. Some people will drink coffee all day long. The unhealthy aspect of drinking this much coffee is that the caffeine suppresses appetite. So they deprive their body during the day and then overeat at night. That's not a balanced, healthy way of eating."

Almost all of the super foods can easily be incorporated into one meal such as a salad or wrap. You may be thinking diet, but by adding these foods you're also sharpening your thinking. Clifton agrees that getting back to basics with exercise, getting eight hours of sleep a night (eight is more beneficial than less) and using meditation and relaxation exercises like yoga all help increase your body awareness and health.

"With meditation and relaxation, you're breathing better and relieving tension and stress. It all goes together, but eating right does take some planning. The bonus to taking time to plan your meals is that you� ��ll gain more health benefits. A good idea is to get your spouse and children involved. It's more fun and motivating if you and your family cook together. Online resources for healthy recipes include, the official website of the American Dietetic Association, and," she says.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

The most successful, healthy weight-loss plans will require you to eat healthier and do regular exercise to help you lose weight and maintain your new figure. Supplements, diet pills, eating plans and exercise equipment on their own will not help you lose weight and keep it off long-term, unless you are dedicated to changing your lifestyle for the better.

According to the American Obesity Association, by losing a small amount of weight - around 5 -10 percent of your initial weight, you can reduce the risk of serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure arthritis, respiratory disease and even some forms of cancer. Just imagine losing even more weight than this. The benefits and change in your life would be dramatic. But, how do you lose weight the healthy way and benefit from all the health related changes that come with losing weight the best way?

Weight-loss Programs (diets) - Healthy weight-loss programs combine eat ing nutritional foods with regular exercise to help encourage the body to convert stored fat in the body into glucose to act as fuel, so you are not only losing weight, you have more energy. Often, people get into the bad habit of yo-yo dieting, which is the act of losing weight, then gaining it right back and then start dieting again. By learning a healthy, easy-to-stick eating and exercise plan over a traditional diet, you will not only lose weight the healthy way, you will notice a raise in self-esteem, improved health and learn to keep weight off long term.

The only way that the body can lose weight is to burn more calories than your body is taking in. Do not make the mistake of thinking that just because you need to eat fewer calories, you have to eat less food. Healthy eating plans are all about educating yourself on which foods can be eaten in large amounts and which foods must only be eaten in small portions. But, most of all, it is important to remember that when you are losing weight the healthy way, you never need to starve yourself or go hungry. You just need to learn what different foods do to the body.

Some very popular diets these days are the South Beach Diet, the Mayo Clinic Diet and the Cabbage soup diet.

Weight-loss Supplements - there are many supplements available for those who are changing to a healthier lifestyle and want to have some extra nutrition or want a little help along the way. Just remember that no matter how good a supplement is, it will not take the place of proper nutrition and exercise. Diet pills are made to complement your weight loss goals while using a logical eating plan, as well as regular activity.

Vitamin and mineral supplements have become popular over the years to help our bodies get the vitamins and minerals that are lacking in the soil our foods are grown in. Many vitamins and minerals are great complimentary practices and will help to give you energy and an overall feeling of well being, as well as assist in the shedding pounds process.

Some well known diet pills are Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) pills, Phentermine (prescription), and Hoodia Gordonii.

A word of caution, before taking any supplement, make sure that you read the label carefully and speak to your doctor first if you are currently on any medications or suffer from any illnesses.

The Importance of Having an Exercise Partner!

Failing time and again in the attempt to lose weight is no laughing matter. You might condemn yourself for being too lazy to lose weight or for your hefty eating or for allowing yourself to be so fat at the first place. True! Laziness and over eating are the root causes for being obese and lots of hard work, controlled diet and consistency are needed to shed all the pounds accumulated over the years.

Not so long ago you saw your fat neighbor in a sport gear every morning and evening running up and down the lane but few weeks later she totally stopped and was back to her fat as ever self. But before pointing a finger at her let me tell you one thing which is vital and needed for those who are about to undertake a weight loss program. The ultimate goal of every weight loss program is of course to lose weight without any doubt but the important thing is how to achieve that goal. Weight loss is a continuous task that requires a lot of patience and motivation. One may succumb to old habits in the absence of any of the two. The next question is 'how can we stay motivated'. Well, one of the best options is by having a supportive partner who can motivate you and who can under take the same weight loss program with you.

When you are alone you feel helpless sometimes especially when the going gets tough. There are times you want to just give up as you cannot resist the food laid down before you or when your exercises are not bringing you instant results. You feel so disheartened that you end up consoling yourself by eating ice creams, chocolates and junk food. Therefore, a partner who checks on your activity, who will keep you on toes, who will motivate you and someone with whom you can talk out all your sadness is important.

Many fat people are following the famous and expensive weigh loss programs like the famous Atkins diet, Mayo clinic diet, Bob Greene's diet or even the popular South beach diet and take the ever effective diet pills but in spite of spending fortunes on these weight loss plans and weight loss diet pill, they do not get the desired results. They think they will shed the fats in no time if they buy xenical or phentermine as with these magical diet pills they will acquire lean and thin figures just like their role models. However, diet pill works only if it is accompanied by proper diet and exercise. Also as our metabolism is not the same, the way we lose fats is also not the same. So, many people discontinue their weight loss program mid-way when they do not get the expected results in a short time.

Therefore, if you have someone with whom you can take exercise and follow the diet plans together, you will become dedicated and regular and will hesitate to cheat on your eating and work outs as you know that someone is keeping a check on you. Besides you both can motivate each other, share all your worries and problems and listen to each other. The most important of all you do not give up mid-way, so, get an exercise partner if you want to be successful in your weight loss this time.

A Look At Several Bodybuilding Diets

Hey buddy! So you want to lose weight, eh? Its summertime and you want to look all nice and hot for those babes at the beach. Ok, here's what you have to do if you want this to happen quickly; eat lots of cabbage and drink a gallon of prune juice twice daily at noon . . . no wait. Hmm, try this; eat nothing but ice cream and lard for the next three weeks or until the next full moon . . .no that's not it either. Aha! Here we go: eat six hotdogs per day (with syrup), while cutting out all meat products and carbs . . . . . what? Why are you giving me that look?? Ok, so maybe that wasn't quite your cup of tea . . . Did I mention tea? Try this magic herbal-essence tea, with the special fat melting ingredient, Babaganoosh. Of course to ensure its potency, the only additional foods you can eat is two loaves of rye bread with pickles and mayonnaise . . . STOP THE MADNESS ALREADY!!!

You know, one thing that I fail to grasp is why people only worry abo ut looking good during the summer? Sure, looking good in a swimsuit or bikini is nice, but is it not also important to look fit when wearing slacks? And as far-fetched as some of these "diets" may sound, the things people are actually trying nowadays are just as perplexing. The problem is 99% of the weight lost on these diets will be water weight, which the body will quickly regain. What's worse is that all of these diets promote starvation, which in turn causes the metabolism to slow down. Once you come off a particular diet, you are apt to gain back all the weight you lost and then some! The human body does not take kindly to severe deprivation, and it will do whatever it takes to store energy i.e. slowing down the metabolism.

To get a better idea of what kind of madness people are willing to subject themselves to, let's take a closer look at some of these diets and their claims to fame.

The 3-Day Hotdog and Egg Diet

Synopsis: Here's one if you just can't seem to get enough hot dogs and eggs! It's easy to remember, and easy to shop for! Day 1) seven hot dogs, no bun, and mustard only. Day 2) eggs any style. Day 3) eggs any style. The Claim: Lose between 8 and 10 pounds in three days. Hey, that's a lot of weight to be losing in three days, where do I sign up?? Ok, reality check people! For starters, there is nothing denoting the amount of eggs you should be eating, nor does it specify adding stuff like ham and cheese to your eggs, etc. Not only that, but just the thought of eating seven hotdogs in one-day makes most people want to gag. Heck, a hot dog vendor in Brooklyn who owns stock in egg manufacturing would find this diet hard to swallow!

The Cabbage Soup Diet

Synopsis: Every day you can have as much cabbage soup as you desire. In addition to this, you are allotted the following foods on certain days.

Day 1) any fruit, except bananas. Day 2) veget ables plus baked potato for dinner. Day 3) up to eight bananas plus fat free milk. Day 4) brown rice, fruit juice and vegetables. The Claim: Lose up to 10 pounds in seven days. The trouble with this diet is that it seriously lacks in providing for vitamins and minerals. Plus the sheer volume of cabbage would turn a bunny rabbit into a carnivore within a week! Not to mention the irregular bowel movements, as well as a constant case of cabbage-fueled gas. Very potent! Sleep alone, FYI.

The Bread and Butter Diet

Synopsis: This diet seems to focus on the joys of getting bread and butter with every meal. Like most of the other diets listed, this one also claims that you can lose 10 pounds in a week. Here is a sample from their menu:

1 slice cracked wheat bread
1 teaspoon butter or margarine

1 ounce Muenster cheese
1/2 cup stewed tomatoes
1 cup steamed summ er squash
1 slice Italian Bread
1 Teaspoon butter or margarine

4 ounces dark meat turkey
1/2 cup corn
green salad
1 slice pumpernickel
1 teaspoon butter or margarine

As much as I like bread, it is not enough of an incentive for me to starve myself. On average, when following this diet you only get approximately 850 calories per day. Sure, you'll lose weight, probably even the 10 pounds promised. However, by following a starvation diet of this nature, one will lose more muscle weight than fat. Once the average person drops bellow 1,000 calories consumed per day, the metabolism shuts down, and the muscles will start to atrophy because the body is burning the muscle tissue for energy. In other words, your body starts consuming itself!

Two-Day Liquid Diet

Synopsis: Buy a bottle of magic diet concentrate, mix with water and consume for two days. Did I mention you are not allowed to consume anything else besides water with this? But hey, it claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds in two days! These also claim to detoxify and energize you! Reality: looks like concentrated juice mix, which is really what it is. Plus, I've never paid $20 for OJ concentrate! And, I've never been "energized" when my tummy was screaming profanities at me for neglecting it. As for detoxification . . . I think a couple of laxatives would do the trick just as well. Bottom line; it is impossible to lose any amount of body fat in only two days. Any weight lost will be nothing but water, which will be regained immediately upon completion of the diet. In reality, diets like this are nothing more than fasting. And if fasting is something you actually enjoy doing, there are plenty of religions out there that offer meditation and some pretty cool chants to focus on, that will take the mind off of the hunger pangs.

The so-called "American Heart Asso ciation Diet"

Here's a doozy of a diet that fools people into thinking that it is actually endorsed by the American Heart Association. Here's just a sample from one day:

Black Coffee or Tea
1/2 Grapefruit
1 slice toast
2 tbs. peanut butter

1/2 cup of tuna (no mayo)
1 slice toast
Coffee or Tea

2 slices of any meat
1 cup of string beans
1 cup of beets
1 apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

The Claim: Lose 3 pounds in 3 days, up to 30 pounds in 40 days

Needless to say, the American Heart Association does NOT sanction this diet. The following is an except from the AHA website:

"A weight-loss diet claimed to be from the American Heart Association has been cited several times across the United States and other countries. Many people believe th at the three-day or seven-day, hot dog and cabbage soup diets are from the American Heart Association. However, this is not true.

The true AHA diet gives recommended servings per day of various food categories, not specific foods. Most of the diets that are incorrectly labeled as the AHA diet give specific menus or suggest that the diet should be followed for a specific length of time.

One phony diet describes a three-day or seven-day menu, supposedly prescribed by the AHA or by the "Heart Association." It includes vanilla ice cream, hot dogs, eggs and cheddar cheese. The diet promises a 10-pound weight loss in three days. These bogus diets have been cited as the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet. The poorly typed and photocopied phony diet has also been offered by mail for $2 per copy.

From time to time other fad diets emphasizing other foo ds will also incorrectly attribute the AHA."

Bottom line; be extremely cautious about anything that is supposedly endorsed by a national institution such as the American Heart Association. When in doubt, go to the organization's official website and verify this information. If it sounds like it came out of left field, it probably did.

The Answer

Every psycho diet out there promises a loss of weight, which is fine, however what they don't tell you is that you'll be losing water weight, and will gain it all back once you complete the diet. And if you are feeling bloated and are actually looking to dump excess water weight, there are a lot less expensive methods for doing this. Try using water pills, for starters. And if you are looking to shed all that excess flab in time for summer . . . well what can I say, except that you're too late for this year. Instead of torturing yourself with psycho diets that will only make you suff er and make you fatter in the long run, get a jump-start on next year. Start a long-term eating plan that you can live with every day. Do NOT starve yourself, and be sure that you do not limit yourself to one type of food. Also drink plenty of water, especially when exercising. With proper diet and exercise, the average person can reasonably expect to lose between two and five pounds of actual body fat per month. Remember, results cannot be had over night, and nothing worth having comes easy. But the end result is well worth the effort!

Alkaline Diet To Battle Cancer? Doctors say No, But Try Antioxidants

Recently, a controversy has developed over antioxidants and alkaline fruits and their effects on cancer. Specifically, some believe that cancer can be treated by consuming alkaline fruits and vegetables.

Many web merchants claim that an alkaline body may be able to significantly fight the pH of malignant cancer cells until they die. According to doctors, the claims of such merchants are false. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic, one of the world's most renowned medical treatment and diagnostic centers, say this cancer rumor is untrue.

According to the Mayo Clinic, "A diet rich in certain alkaline foods, meaning foods that aren't acidic, won't cure cancer. Proponents of this diet claim foods such as soft drinks and meats make your body acidic, allowing cancer to flourish" (2005). Unfortunately, cancer, like many other serious illnesses, isn't that simple.

The Mayo Clinic elaborated about proponents of an anti-acid and anti-cancer diet statin g, "The theory that acid causes cancer isn't true, and it isn't clear that what you eat has any impact on your body's overall acidity or alkalinity."

Free radicals have also been linked to cancerous cell growth. Many doctors confirm this fact. "Free radicals have long been known to be mutagenic," stated Dr. Tamer Fouhad (2002). "Animal and cell culture studies have suggested that antioxidants may slow or even prevent the development of cancer," according to the National Cancer Institute.

Antioxidants are chemicals found in several food sources, like dark chocolate, green tea, red wine, vegetables, and fruits such as sour cherries, acaiberries, blueberries, mangosteen, and the noni fruit. Examples of antioxidants include beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Not only do antioxidant vitamins benefit your body with health benefits; they may also combat cancer according to reputable medical sources.

But, the American Cancer Society thinks more research is needed on the subject. They point out that different studies have had mixed results. Their official statement is that "too little is known about how antioxidant supplements actually act against disease." They do not, however, refute the claim.

Antioxidants are thought to bind with free radicals and thereby protect cellular DNA from harm, since free radicals are highly reactive and mutations in DNA can lead to cancer if flawed cells reproduce in large numbers. But, until more research is done, the ACS thinks the jury's still out on antioxidants.

Even if it is too soon for some organizations to endorse the beneficial effects of antioxidants in cancer prevention, a substantial body of evidence indicates its success. Incorporating antioxidants into your diet with fruit juices from mangosteen, pineapple, blueberries, pomegranate, star fruit and many other fruits is certainly worth a try when it comes to cancer prev ention.

While the myth of an alkaline diet helping to prevent cancer is unclear, antioxidants have been found to help prevent cancer in certain studies. A healthy diet should include fresh fruits. Even the American Cancer Society states that the best way to reduce your cancer risk is to have a healthy diet that includes five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, so choose fruits rich in antioxidants to help tip the anti-cancer scales in your favor.

How effective are Diet Pills

US Center for Disease Control says, above 64 percent of Americans are overweight and obesity can soon overtake smoking as leading cause of death.

During 2000, around 420,000 died in US due to smoking, while poor health and physical inactivity eliminated 400,000.

British Medical Journal warns that puppy fat is gateway to adult obesity. Persistent childhood obesity gets stabilized before teens.

Besides serious diseases like hyper-tension, diabetes and heart ailments all linked to obesity, social ridicule faced by over weight persons during childhood also spurts unhealthy attitudes.

Overweight children are vulnerable to playground taunts. This leads to seclusion and depression and lack of activity in children, graduating to manhood.

The situation being serious, world governments and social organizations are active.

A recent agreement between major beverage distributors and anti-obesity advocates bars non-diet soda in US public sch ools. Companies including Cadbury Schweppes PLC, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, etc agreed to sell only water, juice and low fat milks to elementary and middle schools.

Australian state Queensland has rolled out a 21 million dollars scheme that includes teaching obesity in schools and mailing self-help packs to every household. Alarmed at 1.3 million obese adults in the state, the government is directing packaged foods to label calorie content details.

Scientists and tradesmen are collaborating to tap the $100 billion obese market.

Company that invented heart pacemaker is working on a battery charged gastric pacemaker that signals satiety to brain's appetite centre.

Work is on in famous Mayo Clinic on an electrical device that paralyses stomach, reducing contractions churning food, during digestion process.

Several weight loss drugs are in market getting increasingly popular with celebrities and those who want to lose weight quickly.

One obvio us way to lose weight is to eat less. Diet pills contain substances that curb appetite and reduce hungry feeling.

Less carbs mean less weight. Ingredients in some diet pills interfere with the pancreas' producing an enzyme alpha-amylase. Carb blockers prevent carbs from being stored as fat.

Excess water retention causes problem in losing weight. Diet pills reduce water retention.

Body gains weight as it tends to store carbohydrates and sugars as fat. Diet pills help body process and safely expel fat.

Weight loss can be accelerated by raising body's metabolic rate. Diet pills speed up metabolic rate of body.
Among the most recommended diet drugs is Adipex-P®, or phentermine hydrochloride, its generic name.
To integrate Apidex into long-term lasting weight loss, we must eat balanced diet a nd exercise regularly.
Adipex assists in restoring balanced eating habits, making it possible to lose weight without the stress of dieting.

Adipex recommended for short-term management of obesity, is available on line and at drug stores at affordable prices.

The Entrepreneur Diet

Entrepreneurship is ripe ground for myth making. For example, to be successful, you have to be "born" an entrepreneur. That is unless, of course, you get lucky enough to be one of those "overnight" successes. Or, just possibly, you may strike gold by discovering the secret to "getting rich quick." These kinds of fictions are convenient ways to explain the rising and falling fortunes of the world of business, and they're harmless -- except if you buy into them. Then they can become excuses for throwing in the towel on your business ambitions or, worse, not even trying in the first place.

For the same reason, you need to dispel any erroneous ideas you may have about diet and exercise, and the barriers you think you'll face. In nutrition and fitness -- as in business -- good information is key, but misinformation and myths abound. So know the facts, and don't let these ten myths keep you from getting in shape.

Myth 1: I'm Not Athletic, So Even If I Wanted To Become More Active, I Can't Do It
Reality Check: There are many ways to incorporate more physical activity into your day
Being active can take many forms and your body will burn calories with whatever type of movement you do.

Increasing activity throughout your day can include things you may not have thought of. Parking your car a few extra blocks from the office, taking the stairs in your building, standing up and pacing while on the phone, visiting your employee down the hall instead of sending an e-mail -- these things take energy, and that means they eat up calories. Even when you fidget, you burn calories! In fact, in a 2005 study published in the journal Science, Mayo Clinic researchers looked at ten lean and ten obese individuals, and found that the obese subjects averaged two hours more of sitting per day than their slim counterparts. That resulted in 350 fewer calories burned. "Calories that people burn in their everyday activit ies . . . are far, far more important in obesity than we previously imagined," said one of the scientists in a press release.

Household chores are another source of calorie burning -- sweeping requires almost 300 calories an hour, while shoveling snow can melt nearly 500. You'll even keep burning calories after you complete an activity -- generally, for every 100 calories expended while active, you'll burn about 15 calories afterward. For a comprehensive list of activities and the number of calories they burn, check out Appendix B.

The bottom line is, you don't have to have a great jump shot, run a seven-minute mile, or even be coordinated to get active. You just have to get your body moving.

Myth 2: It's Too Late For Me To Exercise
Reality Check: Research shows that even those in their 90s can build new muscle and improve their speed
Maybe you haven't exercised since high school gym class or you've been away from acti vity since you've launched your business. You've spent too many late nights and eaten too many bacon ultimate cheeseburgers. Even if you had the time, it's too late to do anything about it now, right?

Wrong. In the January 2005 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers Christian K. Roberts and R. James Barnard tackle this issue head on. "The evidence is overwhelming," they write, "that physical activity and diet can reduce the risk of developing numerous chronic diseases, including [coronary artery disease], hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and several forms of cancer, and in many cases in fact reverse existing disease." And in a 1990 study conducted at the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Massachusetts, researchers looked at the effects of strength training on frail senior adults with an average age of 90. After eight weeks of high-intensity training, the participants aver aged strength gains of 174 percent, increased their midthigh muscle by 9 percent, and improved their walking speed by 48 percent. The message: It's never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Myth 3: Exercise Isn't Enjoyable
Reality Check: It's important to find an activity that you like to do -- you'll be much more likely to stick with it
Jogging is one of the best ways to burn calories and condition your cardiovascular system, so it's worth trying to see if you like it. But it's not your only option. As we saw under Myth I, the body burns calories with any kind of movement. Besides, if you have an aversion for an activity, how long are you going to keep at it, anyway?

The alternatives are many. You can bike outdoors or on a stationary bike; swim; walk; join a dance group; or play tennis or racquetball. Or do them all at different times in your life. Entrepreneur Susan Solovic mixes up her workouts, alternating between the treadmill and the elliptical trainer (where you stand upright and your feet move against resistance in an elliptical pattern). For even more variation, she goes walking outside or does yoga. "I believe in doing a variety of things so I don't get bored with any one routine," says Solovic, CEO and chairman of (Small Business Television), an internet-based television network for small businesses. "I think [boredom is] what causes people to fail."

One of the points of exercise is to enjoy the sheer act of moving your arms, your legs, and your whole body -- muscles, bones, joints, lungs, heart. You may remember that feeling from childhood -- when it didn't matter if you were in a formal exercise program. Chances are, you just ran around and had fun. But as an adult -- and especially living the life of an entrepreneur -- it's easy to get lost in the cerebral side of your existence. By throwing yourself into the business, you may have lost touch with the simple joy in movement. And yet you remain a physical person who can find expression in physical action. Movement lets your body revel in that very real aspect of who you are.

Myth 4: A Woman Will Get Too Bulky If She Lifts Weights
Reality Check: Your body will change -- you'll get more lean and flexible but you won't get bulky
This myth probably has its roots in the physiques of weight lifters such as strongmen, bodybuilders, and bruising National Football League linemen. So it's not really surprising that when you walk into any health club or gym, women are scarce in the dumbbell and barbell section. But the reality is that most women just don't have enough testosterone to pack on hefty muscles. This hormone is needed to increase protein synthesis, which leads to bigger muscles. Yes, it's true, because of genetic differences, that some women will be more apt to increase muscle size than others, but this won't be at all similar to the muscle increases men sh ow. The female bodybuilder physique is rare -- these women have a genetic predisposition to build muscle and they do lots and lots of exercises. They also may take anabolic steroids and have abnormally low body fat percentages.

What a woman can expect from weight lifting is greater muscle strength -- weight training makes her body better at recruiting muscle fibers to do an activity. A study from the 1970s found that weight-training women enjoyed strength gains ranging from 10 to 30 percent. At the same time, the women showed little overall increase in muscle size.

And while it's commonly thought that weight training makes you less flexible, the opposite actually is true. In another research study, ten weeks of strength training for women age 62 to 78 resulted in a 13 percent increase in their flexibility.

This increased strength and flexibility, of course, means everyday life is, well, just easier. Carrying a file down the hall, hau ling groceries, picking up your kids, getting out of a car -- all take strength. And the stronger you are, the less stress there is on your body.

Myth 5: Exercise Is Dangerous
Reality Check: Working out is safe when done with proper form, a moderate progression, and your doctor's clearance
It's clear that physical inactivity is a big risk to health. But what about the hazards of exercise -- getting injured while lifting weights, getting into an accident, or suffering a medical emergency?

Of course, no activity is without its dangers. Even the proverbial crossing-of-the-street carries risks. But let's put this in perspective. While weight lifting certainly can lead to injury, this is largely avoidable -- most injuries result from inexperience, improper form, or doing too much too soon. In reality, the rate of injury from training with weights and weight equipment is between 2.4 and 7.6 percent of participants in a given year.
That said, for someone with "silent atherosclerosis," or hardening of the arteries, vigorous exercise can bring on a heart attack in rare cases -- so for anyone starting an exercise program, it's best to get your physician's clearance before going forward. Here's what the American Heart Association has to say on the subject: "The potential health benefits of exercise greatly outweigh the risk, although there is a very slight increased risk of death due to heart attack during vigorous exercise. Consult your doctor first if you have any concerns, have been sedentary, are overweight, are middle-aged or older, or have a medical condition."

Myth 6: It Takes Too Much Time To Eat Right And Exercise
Reality Check: It doesn't take as much time as you may think
One of the biggest misconceptions about physical activity is that it has to come all at once -- the reality is that you can accumulate activity with short bouts throughout the day. In 2001, resea rchers reported in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition that either two bouts of 15 minutes or three bouts of 10 minutes result in similar aerobic benefits to 30 minutes of continuous activity. Also, another 2001 study, published in the journal Health Psychology, concluded that exercising for just 10 minutes improved mood, boosted vigor, and decreased fatigue.

And keep in mind that you don't have to make changes overnight -- in fact, it's better if you make small incremental changes that will last. That means if you're sedentary now, you don't have to be jogging 30 minutes a day next week. Actually, you shouldn't be doing this. By approaching exercise in small chunks in the beginning, you can start stacking up successful workouts -- building your confidence along the way and making it more likely that you'll stick with your new habit.

As for good nutrition, eating a healthy diet often just takes the split second required to make better food choices at the supermarket or a restaurant. For example, it takes no more time to pick up a few apples and oranges rather than grab a carton of cookie dough ice cream. It's no more trouble to throw a box of wholegrain cereal into your shopping cart instead of a box of Froot Loops. The same goes for ordering the low-fat vinaigrette dressing at lunch rather than the full-fat blue cheese. Little choices like these throughout the week don't take any time but make big differences in the amount of calories you end up eating.

You don't even have to give up going to fast-food restaurants altogether. They shouldn't be a habit, but as with the grocery store and restaurants, it just takes making better choices -- don't super size; instead of soda, drink nonfat milk; go for salads with light dressing and grilled chicken instead of the burger with cheese and bacon. (The Entrepreneur Diet in Chapter 7 has numerous smart fast-food choices.)

Myth 7: I Won't Be Able To Enjoy My Favorite Foods
Reality Check: As long as you have a generally healthy diet, occasional indulgences are OK, and there are ways to make your favorite dishes healthier and just as tasty
If you believe this myth, you're not alone. In a national survey conducted by the American Dietetic Association in 1999, not wanting to forego favorite foods was the most frequent reason given by people who said they weren't doing anything more now than they were two years ago to eat a healthy diet. That's too bad, because this "all or nothing" attitude toward nutrition is self-defeating. You are not a machine, immune from the temptations of the chocolate mousse as the waiter wheels the dessert cart to your table.

But as long as you eat an overall healthy diet, there's nothing wrong with indulging occasionally. "There's no reason you have to give up hot fudge sundaes or french fries," registered dietitian Diane Quagliani said in a press release wh en announcing the American Dietetic Association survey results. "All foods can be a part of a healthful eating plan -- it's all a matter of minding how often and how much you eat of some foods."

It's also possible that eliminating all those enticing foods from your menu will make them all the more alluring, and you just may end up gorging if you can't stand it anymore. But by allowing yourself periodic "cheat" foods, you'll satisfy a craving in a controlled way.

Aside from treating yourself on occasion, there also are ways to make your favorite foods healthier -- without sacrificing flavor. For tips on making small cooking tweaks that result in big health benefits, see executive chef Chad Luethje's advice in Appendix C.

Myth 8: No Pain, No Gain
Reality Check: While exercising may cause soreness, pain doesn't have to be part of your fitness routine
With exercise, especially if you're new to it, there is some normal level of discomfort. After all, you're jolting your body from its resting state, making it jump into action, and causing changes all the way down to the cellular level. That's how your body gets stronger.

But just how intense and uncomfortable does exercise have to be? Activities that are intense or long in duration -- such as running for a distance -- can give health benefits beyond less-strenuous exercise. But the pace of a brisk walk is sufficient to boost the heart rate to a level benefiting overall health, according to researcher Kyle McInnis at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. When he asked obese men and women to maintain a "brisk but comfortable" pace while walking, the subjects all reached recommended exercise intensity levels.

"You really can get your heart rate up to the level that your doctor would recommend, and you don't have to jog or run to do it," McInnis said in 2003. ''A large segment of the population still believes exercis e must be vigorous, demanding, or involve more complicated activities than walking to adequately raise their heart rate. This perception of 'no pain, no gain' can discourage people from starting to exercise at all."

That's not to say that you won't feel some soreness after a workout (see the sidebar "Got DOMS?"). But be aware of pain caused by injury. "Good" soreness tends to be symmetrical -- you'll feel it in both legs, say, from doing the squat exercise. "Bad" pain is typically on one side -- your left knee, for example, after doing those squats. Also, there's a difference between joint pain (not good) and muscle pain (usually OK). Joint pain tends to be very specific, and you'll know the exact spot that hurts -- which usually is on or near the joint. Muscular pain is more diffuse.

Myth 9: It's Inevitable That I'll Gain Weight As I Age, So It's Not Worth Fighting It
Reality Check: Exercise can counteract the natural tendency to gain wei ght with age
It's true we tend to put on pounds the older we get -- at least in our middle years. Researchers at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine followed more than 5,000 Americans for 20 years starting in 1971, and found that people put on weight until middle age, stabilized, and then started to lose weight around the age of 60. The causes may include hormonal changes (for example, women undergo shifting levels of estrogen) and a genetic predisposition.

So if it can't be helped, why worry about it? Because other causes of age-related weight gain are under your control -- one of the most important being strength training. From our mid-20s to our mid-50s, every year on average we lose one-half pound of muscle and add a pound of fat. Not good, when you consider that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, and so our metabolism slows down by 5 percent every year.

But through resistance training, you can counteract that muscl e atrophy and actually put on muscle. Add in other lifestyle changes -- like aerobic exercise and eating wisely -- and you'll defeat the middle-age spread.

Myth 10: I Have To Join A Gym Or Buy Expensive Equipment To Get In Shape
Reality Check: You can exercise just about anywhere, anytime, and with minimal equipment
Late-night infomercials want you to believe that fitness can be found in a contraption you can buy with three easy payments of $19.99. But exercise doesn't require complicated machines -- you even can do some challenging exercises using just your body weight. Take Stephen Gatlin, founder and CEO of Gatlin Education Services. He's a regular runner, but he also adds push-ups to his fitness routine on a regular basis -- "50 good, solid push-ups in a row," he says. "It doesn't do a whole lot of good to cheat yourself."

True, joining a gym can give you access to a personal trainer and plenty of weights and machines, and bein g around other people exercising can be a good source of motivation (more on this in Chapter 14). But working out at a health club isn't necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stash a pair of dumbbells and a medicine ball under your office desk or in the garage, and you have a miniworkout facility at work or home.

Now that these health and fitness fictions have been uncovered, it's time to get started on the path to exercise and good nutrition. And the best place to begin is with a quick assessment of your current level of fitness.

Copyright © 2007 by Entrepreneur Media, Inc.

Curb Cravings With Fiber In Your Diet

Almost everyone knows that fiber in the diet is important, but few know exactly what it is or what it does. Fiber helps keep you fuller longer and helps reduce cravings for unhealthy food. Fiber will keep you regular and can guard against cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

There are two main types of fiber found in foods: insoluble and soluble.

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber is found in whole grains and on the outside of seeds, fruits, legumes, and other foods. It is also called roughage. Its job is to hold onto water in your digestive system. It uses this water to move waste through your intestine and get rid of all of the toxins and material that your body doesn't need. Insoluble fiber acts like a sponge. It absorbs water and then swells up inside of your intestine, producing a "full feeling."

Soluble Fiber

The other type of fiber is soluble fiber. It is found in fruits, vegetables, seeds, brown rice, bar ley, oats, and oat bran. It works by passing through the intestine and forming a "gel" like substance. Fiber and digestive enzymes made by the liver form this gel. Soluble fiber works on a chemical level to prevent and reduce the absorption of certain substances that are harmful to the body.

Getting the Benefits of Fiber

Getting the benefits of fiber is as simple as switching from a diet high in processed foods to a whole foods diet. Your diet should emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, nuts and seeds. The best way to increase your fiber is through foods, and not fiber supplements since most fiber supplements are just purified cellulose. Eating whole foods provides you with fiber and other important nutrients and minerals.

Control Weight and Reduce Cravings with Fiber

Getting enough fiber each day will help you control your weight. When you eat fiber-rich foods, you'll feel fuller for longer periods of ti me. You won't experience drops in your blood sugar, which make it easy to succumb to food cravings. When you emphasize fiber in your diet, you'll also be eating more nutritious foods.

Foods High in Fiber

White bread, pasta and processed foods are very low in fiber. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables provide fiber along with a lot of other important nutrients. These foods are lower in calories, fat and preservatives. When you eat whole, fiber-rich foods you'll lose weight, have more energy and feel more satisfied after meals.

Fiber Supplements

If fiber is a big concern for you, you can also try fiber supplements. Although it is preferable to seek fiber in whole food form, supplements can help you stay regular and keep your digestive system active. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are no long-term harmful effects from taking daily fiber supplements. If you're struggling with a digestive disorder like irritable bowel syndr ome, then this might be an option in addition to changing your diet.

Introduce Fiber Slowly to your Daily Diet

The daily recommended allowance for fiber is between 25 to 35 grams for adults. It is estimated that most people get 15 grams or fewer. If you're just beginning to introduce more fiber into your diet, it's best to step up your intake gradually. Moving from 15 grams to 35 grams immediately may cause gas and bloating. Increasing your fiber level gradually over two weeks is the best approach.

Diet and Osteoarthritis

Suffering from osteoarthritis? Don't blame your poor diet or expect to be cured by a "magical" food. Experts say the two aren't related.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no special diet for osteoarthritis. This degenerative joint disease is caused by the constant wear and tear of the joints brought about by aging, an injury to the joint lining or hormonal factors. This is common in people with overworked joints like athletes, dancers, and manual workers.

"Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected," according to the Mayo Clinic.

A balanced diet is required since obesity puts an extra burden on the joints and may increase the risk of osteoarthritis. There is no need to avoid legumes or purine-rich foods unl ess you are suffering from gout, the inflammation of the joints caused by uric-acid crystals.

"There is no cure for arthritis or any special diet that totally relieves the symptoms. There is hardly a food item that has not been promoted at one time or another as a cure for arthritis. Medical research has found only one form of arthritis (gout) for which symptoms are partially related to the type of food eaten. Diets based on raw foods, foods without chemical additives, and other supposedly 'natural' nutrition items are being hustled by the health-food industry. 'Natural' faddists overlook the fact that prehistoric man, who certainly ate no additives, also suffered from arthritis," explained Drs. Stephen Barrett and Victor Herbert in "Vitamins and 'Health' Foods: The Great American Hustle."

Hydrotherapy, the use of water to treat certain diseases, is also widely employed for arthritis. Although it makes sense to drink at least six glasses of wa ter a day to replace the amount lost by the body in the urine and sweat, you can relieve the pain of arthritis by taking medicated hot baths instead of simply drinking water.

"Both heat and cold can relieve pain in your joint. Heat also relieves stiffness and cold can relieve muscle spasms. Soothe your painful joint with heat using a heating pad, hot water bottle or warm bath. Heat should be warm, not hot. Apply heat for 20 minutes several times a day. Cool the pain in your joint with cold treatments, such as with ice packs. You can use cold treatments several times a day, but don't use cold treatments if you have poor circulation or numbness," explained the Mayo Clinic.

If the pain persists despite the above measures, your doctor may prescribe acetaminophen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Follow instructions carefully since these medications have a lot of side effects.

"NSAIDs have risks of side effects t hat increase when used at high dosages for long-term treatment. Side effects may include ringing in your ears, gastric ulcers, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. Consuming alcohol or taking corticosteroids while using NSAIDs also increases your risk of gastrointestinal bleeding," the Mayo Clinic warned.

One product that can help is Phosoplex. This natural supplement lubricates and soothes painful joints, and helps rebuild healthy cartilage so you can regain your active lifestyle. For details, check out

Fidgeting: The Natural Weight Loss Diet

It's now official. The simple act of fidgeting can mean the difference between lean and obese. It's the natural weight loss diet.

My friend likes to relate a story from time to time about when he was just a lad. His grandfather called him "Worm", because he fidgeted so much. And between you and me, it can get rather annoying.

But he had the right idea, even if it wasn't intentional. He's 5'8" tall and weighs around 145 lbs.

To my knowledge, he doesn't work out, jog, or go to the gym. He fidgets. When we visit, I watch him twist and turn, tap his feet in the air, get up and down from the chair and walk around. It's enough to drive you crazy, but his slim physique speaks volumes.

I've always believed that fidgeting is a result of a fast metabolism, so he naturally burns more calories, producing natural weight loss. But I also believe that fidgeting can be learned. Of course that's all we need, more people to drive us crazy!

Now there's a st udy to confirm what I've always believed. A detailed study conducted of mundane bodily movements found that obese people tend to be much less fidgety than lean people and spend at least two hours more each day just sitting still. The extra motion by lean people is enough to burn about 350 extra calories a day, which could add up to 10 to 20 pounds a year.

"There are these absolutely staggering differences between people who are lean and people who are obese," said James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, who led the research. "The amount of this low-grade activity is so substantial that it could, in and of itself, account for obesity quite easily."

Here are some things you could try.

* When a commercial come on TV, get up and stretch or better yet, move around. Just avoid the kitchen.

* Wriggle your toes and your fingers whenever you can. This will also tell you how sore they are and if their condition is so bad, just think of the rest of your body.

< p>* Tap your feet in the air. Think of an upbeat song and tap along. This helps get your blood flowing.

* Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by yourself. Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don't.

* When talking on the phone, get up and pace. Just vary your walking area. You don't want to wear a path in your carpet.

* Try breathing exercises. You might be surprised to know that breathing exercises too can lead to weight loss. If you are doing the breathing exercises properly, you will find that you can exert a lot of pressure on the muscles around the mid section. You can feel a tightening of these muscles each time you breathe in or breathe out. So go ahead and breathe properly, it is good for you.

* Do not slouch in your chair, but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tuck ed in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.

Fidgeting isn't a cure-all for obesity, but if you're physically unable or just too plain lazy to eat right and workout, it's a great start.

Fast Diet Fraud

Under the theory that "seeing is believing", people continue to buy books and pills for dramatic weight loss in 7 days, or 4 weeks, or some other rather short interval. What should be checked is how much weight loss remains effective in one year.

There are several reasons for this caution.

Recognize that the ability to store calories as fat is pro survival, when the food supply various a lot throughout a year. With steady food supplies, this is anti survival. Eat more calories than you need, of whatever type, and you will put on fat. Even excess protein consumption is stored as fat. Note that high meat diets are high in saturated fat as well as protein.

Most people who try to lose weight do not make permanent changes to life style. They can lose a few pounds in the short term, but not keep them off.

Many fast diet schemes are tricks, some even dangerous. Especially bad are those plans which emphasize weight loss, but ignore what component of wei ght is lost.

WATER LOSS: many plans show quick results because they cause the body to drop water. The medical term for such pills is diuretics. Weight-wrap clothing makes one hot, and sweat. The same is achieved with steam rooms, saunas, and the like. Any professional athlete knows that a typical workout can cause the loss of 1 to 10 pounds of water, or more, which must be replaced to prevent heat stroke, even death.

MUSCLE LOSS: Many plans concentrate on reducing the total calories consumed, which is great if done wisely. The dangerous plans are those that starve the body so that muscle, as well as fat, is lost. As most dieters return to pre diet food practices, the lost muscle is usually replaced with fatty tissues. Muscle mass consumes calories even when the body is at rest. Reducing muscle mass merely to lose weight means that body is less balanced for controlling weight.

LOSS OF INJESTED FOOD: bowel stimulants are okay if needed for constipation, or to aid regularity, but NOT for weight loss. If you aren't eating much raw fruits and vegetables, moderate doses of dietary fiber supplements are okay.

FAT OR STARCH BLOCKERS: Two criteria must be met; they must work, and be safe to the metabolism. None are known to exist. I wrote elsewhere about chitosan, a "fat magnet" that does not work.

APPETITE KILLERS: They exist, but many have been removed from the marketplace. Narcotics are one such drug group.

FEN-FEN or FEN-PHEN, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, an anorexic drug, was banned by the FDA in 1997, mainly due to heart valve damage.

An alternative is to hold something nauseating under nose or tongue.

FAT BURNER STIMULANTS: "Fat burners" are a fictitious part of the body. Pills to turn them up have nothing to work on.

METABOLISM ACCELERATORS: Amphetamines rev up the body, and formerly were in wide use by dieters and by students who were cramming for tests, as well as speed freaks . Tolerance requires increasing doses. High doses cause sleeplessness, nervousness and euphoria, and can cause death. Usage can be followed by intense mental depression and fatigue. DON'T!

Late 2003, a class of weight loss pills was taken off the market, due to deaths of athletes and dieters; Ephedra, also called Ma huang, and synthesized ephedrine. Ephedrine alkaloids are amphetamine-like compounds, used in some prescription medications, and found in some herbal teas. The side effects include increase of blood pressure and pulse rate, nerve damage, muscle injury, psychosis, stroke, impaired memory, nervousness, tremors, seizures, heart attacks, strokes. Who needs it?

READ THE LABELS. Many weight loss products contain a lot of sugar, fructose, maltodextrin, thus sugar, sugar, modified corn starch. These are lousy choices for good nutrition, and can bounce blood sugar levels dangerously high, after which they can crash to dangerously low (hypoglycemia). Ingestin g too much refined sugar can induce diabetes.

Thus, many "nutritional diet products" are nutritional only if compared to high fat and high salt foods.

FAT RESTRICTION: This should be a permanent part of a healthful food plan for anyone who is not very active physically. Prior to modern mechanization, everyone but the pampered ruling classes used a lot of calories all the time. This is why so many traditional / ethnic foods are high in fat, such as bacon and sausage, pastries, fried foods. What was good for great grand parents can be bad for us.

Here's a cruel truth. A little bit of fat is far more effective than high protein or sugar foods at satisfying hunger. The trick is to avoid saturated fats and trans fats (hydrogenated oils).

Smart dieters can get unsaturated fats from plant foods, such as nuts and seeds. Outdoors enthusiasts are mostly familiar with "trail foods", such as "GORP" = Good Old Raisins and Peanuts. I find that almonds and raisi ns chewed together are very sweet and hunger killing, so not a risk to weight control.

YOUR BEST DEFENSE against fraud of any kind is self education. Don't be afraid to question what any source says, but consult several sources that have no mission to sell you anything. Government publications and Mayo Clinic advice are good examples which can be reached on the internet.

The Dangers Of Dieting With Drug Pills

In the United States, the force to be thin gained earth in the early 1990s. For decades Americans have looked for a quick and easy way to lose weight. The community had steered clear of diet drugs that aid in weight pasting through hunger repression since the amphetamine-like diet drug fad of the 1950s and 60s. Diet pill popularity can rise and fall likes the numbers on a dieters scale. However, with the foreword of diet aids such as Fen-pen at a time when the standard American waistline was rising, a slim, thin body became abruptly easy to get to with the daily popping of a capsule. But because amphetamines have the potential for abuse, they are no longer doctor first choice for overweight patients.

Fen-pen was introduced to the market in the late 1980s and early 1990s. User would feel at the same time awake and full with collected of fenfluramine plus phentermine, the medicine joint appetite suppressant character with refreshment qualities, so. Combining two old diet pills, phentermine and fenfluramine, appeared to produce better results than prior regimens. Millions of people begged doctors for prescriptions. Fen-pen triggered serotonin release in the intelligence, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of physical satiation, counting hunger and thirst.

In 1996, a modified version of Fen-pen, called Radix, was free into the United States marketplace for the small term management of obesity. But by 1997 reports of heart valve damage finally pushed the FDA to request withdrawal of fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine (Radix) which had been approved only the year before. The bust phase of the pen-fen fiasco was more spectacular than previous diet pill disasters.

However, after a study perform by Mayo Clinic in 1997, both products were pulled from the marketplace after they were connected to heart valve injure and the growth of main pulmonary hypertension. Ephedrine (also known as ma hung) has not yet been banned from OTC weight loss aids in the U.S., but other countries have severely restricted access to it because of reports of heart rhythm irregularities, hypertension, strokes and death.

Primary pulmonary hypertension is a chronic disease characterize by an additional in blood pressure in the pulmonary blood vessel, which is the vessel most important from the heart to the lungs. By now, people should realize that the promise of effortless weight loss may have hidden dangers. Boring as it may be, the safest and surest way to lasting weight loss remains eating less and exercising more. With main pulmonary hypertension, the blood elated is oxygen disadvantaged, creating additional stress on the heart and body, which needs oxygen soaked blood to function properly? As of 2004, Fen-pen is no longer widely obtainable. In February 2005, the magazine American Lawyer published an article about the 50,000 product liability lawsuit resulting from Fen-pen. Estimates o f total legal responsibility run as high as $14 billion.

If you have ever in use one of these drugs, it is recommended to ask your doctor about the theater tests to gauge for likely heart valve injure. If injure has occur, medication can help. Other symptoms which have been frequently reported by patients are cognitive changes such as memory loss and confusion, and seizures. These conditions are being studied in relation to diet drug use. For more harsh cases, surgical substitute of the valves may be essential.

For patients with main pulmonary hypertension from Fen-pen expenditure, several action options exist, although no cures are at present available. Medications, such as vasodilators, anticoagulants, and calcium channel blockers, can help patients with less advanced cases. In addition, supplemental oxygen can greatly get better a patients energy level and overall sense of healthy being. For serious patients, lung and heart transplants may be ne cessary. Your doctor is the best person to advise you about your medical condition and a check-up is recommended for anyone who took these medications. This is the only non-invasive test which can give an accurate picture of your heart valves.

Cutting Down On Dangerous Fats Through Low Fat Diets

Life is constantly providing us with new experiences and resources even when we are reduced to immobility. And without stressing too much on the adage health is wealth, it is very important to live by the rules of healthy living.

It is known to many that proper diet, regular exercise, and utmost discipline are the basic ingredients in achieving balanced and healthy living. But more often than not, people who are either obese of morbidly obese do not adhere to these guiding principles on how to achieve those weight loss goals and often experience severe results.


Through the years, statistics continues to show that 95 percent of people who try traditional diets fail. These studies also show that improper dieting have caused miserable suffering to those have tried it because they underwent drastic food restriction and deprivation. Aside from the depression caused by failed diet and failure of short-term weight loss goal, these people have also developed chronic illnesses.

One of major reasons why people become obese is that they have high blood cholesterol levels due to fat intake. If you want to achieve your desired weight, make sure that you familiarize yourself first with fats. Basically, there are two major types of dietary fat—the saturated and unsaturated fat. Saturated fats may lead to the increase of cholesterol in the blood while eating unsaturated fats or oils can help decrease cholesterol levels. Fats are also categorized as "low fat" which has 20 to 30 percent of calories derived from fats and "very low fat" that has 0 to 19 percent of calories from fats.

Experts say that fat has more than twice the calories as the same amount of protein or carbohydrate this is why a good low fat diet can be helpful in the reduction of weight gain and lowering blood cholesterol as well. Over the years, health authorities and experts agree low fat diets are the best because these enable people to control over weight through lowered fat consumption.

The most typical low fat diets include the Ornish Diet, the Pritikin Diet, Hip and Thigh Diet, Scarsdale Diet, F-Plan Again Diet, Mayo Clinic Plan, Rice Diet, Weight Watchers Diet, Jenny Craig Diet, The 3-Hour Diet, and Anne Collins Diet Program that offer different low fat diets.

Here are some ways to eat less fat:

1. Try eating fewer fried foods. Instead of eating fried foods, opt for grilled, boiled, baked, poached, steamed or dry roasted foods.

2. Stop adding butter, lard, and margarine to food while preparing and cooking. Also, spare yourself from spreads.

3. Cut down on visible fat from meat.

4. Eat less fatty meat products like sausages, burgers, meat pies, and pasties.

5. Consume semi-skimmed or skimmed milk instead of drinking whole milk.

6. Try eating low-fat or reduced-fat varieties of cheeses.

7. Eat lesser high-fat foods like crisps, chocolates, cakes, pastry products, biscuits, and pizzas.

8. Drink low-fat or natural yogurts or creams.

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans - Dieting to Lose Weight Fast

We've heard the claims before — quick weight loss diet plans promising fast results that are nothing short of unbelievable. Many people succumb into all sorts of quick weight loss diet plans, only to lose motivation and fail miserably halfway in following the plan. Thus, they may end up right where they started or even gain a pound or two afterwards. Read on to know how to pick the right weight loss diet plan, and how to stay on course.

The term 'plan' itself denotes preparing and goal setting. It involves a highly structured, well-organized schedule of meals and food combinations you must adhere to on a stringent basis; otherwise the quick weight loss diet plan falls apart. Diets, despite their variations, all have common ground upon which each of their systems is based.

Diet Plan # 1: Ditch the Junk Foods.

Junk food is the first to go. Think of the undertaking as a challenge to be met and overcome, rather than treating it l ike a prison sentence.

If you go on a diet halfheartedly, fretting over the things you will be forced to give up, you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Instead, set a reasonable and attainable goal and timeframe, something you're sure to achieve, and then reward yourself afterward.

Having a sense of accomplishment is a great way to stay motivated and determined to see this through. For this, the ideal diet would be a more flexible one, like the Mayo Clinic Plan, which puts more emphasis on eating healthy choices — like having your fill of unlimited fruits and veggies — than eliminating unhealthy ones. This plan lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and cuts down the risk for heart, disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

Diet Plan # 2: Just Say No.

If you get sidetracked and find yourself indulging a wee bit more than usual (read: cheating), do not abandon your quick weight loss diet plan altogether, simply because you feel you are no longer consistent.

Just make up for your mistake by eating twice as healthily as before. Remove temptation from your life (and your pantry!). Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach so you do not feel compelled to grab every snack in sight. Stock up instead on healthier alternatives, like whole grain foods.

Know the difference between a craving and real, honest-to-goodness hunger. When you hear that jelly doughnut a-calling, imagine yourself eating some other kind of food, like chicken, for instance. If you're really hungry, you'll want to eat whatever food comes to your mind. If anything other than that jelly doughnut seems like a bad idea, then what you have is a craving that must be ignored.

Eat smaller portions more frequently, about every three hours, because when you allow yourself to get hungry, it will be that much difficult to suppress your appetite and you will have a tendency to overeat.

Diet Plan # 3: Take Your Pick.

If you prefer a more rigid and quicker weight loss diet plan, try the famous South Beach Diet. It has three phases, the first of which takes two weeks long and is the most restrictive. Its specific menus do away with most of the carbohydrates you know and love, like bread, pasta, sugar, and alcohol, making it a seemingly difficult diet to hurdle. The Atkins Plan, on the other hand, provides three meals and one snack a day. It focuses on eating lean meat and eggs, and like the South Beach Diet, targets carbohydrates first.

The ideal would be to shed one to two pounds a week. Anything more than that would be too risky as it isn't just unwanted fat you may be losing, but all-important muscle tissue as well. This is why exercise and physical activity are just as essential to quick weight loss as eating right, because building muscle helps to burn all those calories away.

There are many other quick weight loss diet plans in existence, precisely because there is no single diet that will work for everyone. Whether low-fat, low-carb, protein-rich, all-vegetarian, or whatnot, it is still up to you to decide which plan you think will suit you best. And remember, when in doubt, always consult your physician first.

Advice on Diets for High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure and want to control it naturally then there are several diets for high blood pressure that you can choose from. If you recognize that you need to have this, you can consider yourself among the lucky few that actually realize that they have high blood pressure in the first place. By taking the steps of going on a diet and getting a little bit of exercise, you will be able to control your high blood pressure to a certain extent naturally. Your doctor will be able to prescribe any medicine that may be needed if you cannot bring it down into normal levels.

There are several diets for high blood pressure that you can choose from. One thing that you want to make sure that you avoid are any fad diets that go to extremes. For high blood pressure the best diets are the simple ones. This diet is long term. It's not like a weight loss program, you need to choose a diet that will suit you all the time. Since you are going to have to stick w ith it for the rest of your life, at least to a certain extent, make sure that you choose something that is easily obtainable.

There are several good diets for high blood pressure that are available on the Internet. One of the most popular is the dash diet, which was written by dietitians. The American Heart Association and Mayo Clinic are a great source for lots of recommended diet plans. What these diets will generally do is give you a low sodium healthy lifestyle that you can follow in order to lose weight and to bring your blood pressure within normal levels. You don't have to be overly strict with the diets for high blood pressure, they do allow for some variation. Use common sense and do everything in moderation any time you step away from your diet guidelines.

High blood pressure food is not to be mistaken with a fad diet. It is going to be a lifestyle change to help you to control your high blood pressure in the best way possible. Stay away from fad diets that are used to just lose weight quickly but happen to affect your high blood pressure Your blood pressure can be controlled safely with the right nutritional advice

By adjusting your diet and losing some weight along with getting a healthy amount of exercise, you can adjust your high blood pressure to the extent where it can be easily maintained throughout your lifetime. In doing this, you will not only realize lower blood pressure, you will realize a higher standard of healthy living.

A Diabetic Diet - Try A Vegetarian Diet

From the time were told they were your blood sugar level high and you had diabetes on their way to the development of type 2, you must have the need to make major changes in your diet and lose weight is one. So, how much of a change, you must once thought about it? Have you wondered whether a vegetarian diet could help you beat diabetes and help with your weight loss?

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There is now evidence that it might actually work. A research article in the printed journal Diabetes Care, and reports from the Mayo Clinic showed that forty three percent of diabetics reduced their anti-diabetic medications after the switch to a low-fat vegan diet. The reason was the fact that vegetarian diet improves the responsiveness of the body to insulin, which then led to a lower blood sugar levels. Is not hear well?

Vegetarians eat mainly vegetables and dairy products and eggs can belong. Some (semi-vegetarians can be) a little fish to eat occasionally, while vegans eat no animal flesh and everything that comes from animals, including eggs and milk. They eat only plant foods.

A vegetarian diet is definitely rich in fiber and phytochemicals, which is to eat what a person with type 2 diabetes really need to lower their blood sugar levels, and includes:

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an unlimited amount of vegetables, including plenty of leafy vegetables
Whole grains
Nuts and seeds
Legumes (dried beans and peas)
In addition to reducing blood sugar levels, a vegetarian diet:

is lo w in cholesterol and saturated fats that are normally in a non-vegetarian diet with a high level. This is obviously a big advantage for type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol
it could also apply to the prevention of kidney disease
and there is more, a vegetarian diet is lower in calories than a non-vegetarian diet. This means it would (also help with weight loss even if you can weight to a non-vegetarian diet to lose)
As with all foods were plans, total benefits depend on what you eat. When you eat sugary foods like jam and sweetened dark chocolate, then it would not lower blood sugar levels.

This type of diet must be weighed yet, will be the intake of vitamin B12 reduced by half if vitamins found in animal products, which are not replaced. B12 deficiency leads to various medical conditions, including anemia, ... it is advisable for you to practice talking with your doctor or registered dietitian if you plan to make a change to a vegetarian diet.

To the best of a vegetarian diet, it is best to take advantage of a vegetarian diet pyramid to guide you so that you do not get an imbalance between the amount of protein and carbohydrates in the diet.

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